Thursday, May 30, 2024

My Pending Masterpiece

I am writing what may be my best book. It is becoming three books, actually. Its greatness is not its idea, though it is a good one. It is my rendering of the idea.

The story is many stories as one. I know how it begins and ends, and have for a long time. I have not changed my mind in the meantime, though many ideas within the gist have.

I was trying to decide whether I should write about Confederates in a steampunk story or Nazis in an alternate history. I wondered how World War Two would be different if the Confederacy won the War Between the States. I was fascinated by the idea of the 3rd Reich and the CSA as allies. It was especially interesting if in a modern or futuristic setting.

I imagined a Confederate officer as the main antagonist of a story I would eventually write. The Confederacy lost the war but he is still fighting, using arcane technology to do it. He evolved into an SS officer I eventually named Arnold Kess. The steampunk setting became an alternate version of the modern day.

Senior Leader Kess is the Sorcerer. He commands the 13th SS Air Assault Battalion. His daughter is his apprentice. She is the Enchantress and serves at his side as Junior Assault Leader Kess. They use magic, technology and armed forces to cleanse the world of undesirables.

The Confederacy is a world power and is sympathetic to the Nazi cause. Their enemies are the United States and the Albish (British) Empire. The Empire of Dawn (Japan) is neutral but considering joining forces with the Nazis and Confederates.

Mary Ziegler is the hero of the story. She is a freedom fighter with psychic powers, as is her part black daughter. They travel across the world to defeat the Nazis and Confederates. Mary was the lover of Senior Leader Kess. She is the mother of his daughter.

The drama of the story is about a broken family. Arnold and Mary still love each other. Their daughter thinks she is in love with her father and hates her mother out of jealousy. The girl’s half-sister still loves Arnold as the only father she ever knew… and he does care about her.

I am still going to create that Confederate officer I imagined. Though he evolved into the Sorcerer of the Realm he shall also become the Wizard of the Confederacy. His story shall be in the same universe and at the same time. His cause shall not be the Lost Cause, however. His skills shall serve a thriving empire. He may have a cameo in the books of his twin.


  1. It's really good. I like the high preisting elements the most.

    1. Strangely, it is not my usual "useless henchwomen" work... yet may be my best. We shall see.

  2. An idea is merely a starting point. Many things can change when the story is written. Let your vision guide you, though the journey might end up in another place.

    1. It usually ends up in another place. Then again, even if I am narrow-minded, this tendency shall keep my work broad.
