Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I am Storyteller

Fiction is not about reality. It is about us. It is our thoughts and feelings as stories. The realism is to provide a common basis of comparison. A story is gibberish without it.

I write fiction. It is always weird, to varying degrees. The weirdness is to convey my intuitive sense of things. Our feelings of themselves are invisible. Articulating them in a way that can be visualized brings order to the chaos that is our emotions.


Fantasy is flow. Reality is balance. Fantastic is imaginative. Realistic is meaningful. The best fiction is both, as one and the same.

We are not amazed by the unbelievable. On the contrary: We dismiss it as ridiculous.

We are not amazed by the believable. On the contrary: We accept it as ordinary.

We are amazed when made to believe the unbelievable. Our small minds grow and our narrow thoughts broaden.

As a writer of fiction, I strive to inspire people to make believe the unbelievable.

We are indoctrinated by every faction in this world to learn rather than think. We are shamed as ignorant if we question. We are praised as educated if mindless. Our pride is used against us, to brainwash us.

My fiction is not the propaganda of any faction. It is my own thoughts and feelings. It is written to be a playground of the mind. It is an amusement park and every story is a ride. My thoughts provide the themes. My feelings provide momentum, twists and turns. It is all meant to be enjoyed.


  1. I know this isn't what you were talking about but I often view reality is a fiction imagined up by God. I mean... it didn't exist until he thought it up.

    1. Our creations are derivative of his Creation, so you view is correct. Our fiction echoes his reality.

  2. Exactly right. "Establish the rules even if there are few," indeed. Don't break those rules, either, or nothing in the fiction shall mean anything to anyone.
