Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Not a Drop to Drink

A multicultural society is a society without a culture. It is corrupted by its diversity, not enriched. It is not a community. It is fractured into groups that can only tolerate each other at best. They need a common enemy to come together… and that is an alliance, not friendship. Such allies turn on each other when the enemy is vanquished. 

Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Afghanistan and South Africa are multicultural societies. None of these are strengthened by their diversity. On the contrary. The Walloons and Flemish dislike each other. The English speaking and French speaking citizens of Canada dislike each other. The ethnicities of Switzerland keep to their own, though they are generally civil when they interact. The diversity is hatred and genocidal violence in Afghanistan and South Africa.

Japan and South Korea are countries that are also their cultures. Though many people in lands with few resources, they thrive. Their factions are trying to change their communities, not live apart from them.

Unity is strength. Diversity is weakness. The “sameness” of homogeneity is an actual culture.

Multicultural is to a society what the ocean is for someone in a raft dying of thirst: Everywhere but not a drop to drink.


  1. Cultures should not force things on themselves that are unwanted. Things need to happen more organically.

    1. Yes. Culture is to make us able to understand each other and to enable us to work together. It serves no other worthwhile purpose.

  2. A people divided against themselves will fall apart. The inherent divisions may force this outcome. Only unity can keep them together.

    1. The very idea of "diversity is our strength" is like saying "cracks in the foundation make it stronger."
