Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Sexy is a good thing. Seriously: how is anything better for not being sexy? Until disinteresting is a virtue, sexiness shall be good.

Prudish is boring. Vulgar is disgusting. Being bored or disgusted does nothing for me. I want sexy.

Looks are not the only thing sexy. A voice can be as alluring as a form. A nuance can be as suggestive as a tease. Context can make even unassuming sexy.

Lest we forget, sex and violence are the thrills of our art and fiction. When has tame ever thrilled us? Sex and violence intensify each other exponentially. Their communion is the perfect storm.

Sexy is sexy does whether consummated or not. It is the arousal, not the act that is the sensuality. To savor the yearning is to be thrilled whereas to be spent is to be exhausted.

Sexy is a good thing. It is interesting. It is thrilling. It is beautiful whether lovely or hideous. It is aspect at its best.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Game of Souls

Few lives are precious. Many lives are worthless. You choose your value, not by pride but by action.

An evil man on a mission is better than the many who do nothing. A good man busy doing good is best of all. Take heed: neither sinister nor good are ever idle. Only the sheep are content to graze.

The mindless are too simple to give thought to their deeds. They delight in petty things and wanton mischief. Masterminds tell them what to think and how to feel and the mindless obey, believing the thoughts and feelings to be their own.

The good are never mindless. They hear and see but are too thoughtful for their thoughts and feelings to be other than their own. They do good because they care to do so, never in lust, fear or obedience.

The struggle of good against evil is the few who care for the sake of caring against the many who do not and their sinister masters. The struggle is neither political nor philosophical. It is not decided by authority nor consensus. Souls are the warriors, the battleground and the prize. Choosing who you are, personally and individually, is the struggle. All else follows.