Sunday, June 25, 2017

Reality Real and Unreal

We live in reality. We imagine alternate realities. We are torn between them and sometimes to pieces.

Reality of itself is a meaningless grind. We live, we languish and we die in a natural cycle of ordained futility.

I hear the argument that life is meaningful because there is good within the bad. I am told I would not know good without evil or joy without sorrow.

Reality is not our hopes and dreams. It is not our perspective. Reality is what it is whether we like it or not or acknowledge it or not. Our fate is decided by its impersonal physics.

I hear the “scientific” claim that all is coincidence. Reality is happenstance. You can choose your own purpose.

Coincidence is meaningless. Intent decides purpose. A substance is shapeless no matter its shape lest fashioned by a cause and shaped by the effect thereof.

Where did God come from? What part of the Beginning and the End, the first and the last do you not understand? The quality of the quantity of one begot all existence by manifesting quantity. The product can be fractured but not the source. The creation is bound to its creator as a matter of sheer existence. There was and is nothing before or after God.

The cynic and the optimist alike imagine alternate realities. Stark reality is neither nor is it somewhere in between.

Reality is an impersonal and consistent system of action and reaction. Is the obvious not obvious? Reality is a machine!

The truth is not reality but rather the intent of its design. Reality is a means, not a meaning. Like fiction, it serves as a basis for thoughts and feelings in action. Unlike fiction, its narrative is consequential. The death and destruction are real. The life and creation are also real.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Worldly Sins Made Holy

Racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, antisemitism and Islamophobia are not sins. A disgraced cherub and his minions do not set any standard worth abiding. They have no say in what is right or wrong, good or evil

The Father begot the Son and the Son was baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Father is judgment. The Holy Spirit is justice. The Son judges in the spirit of justice.

The Father designed the heavens and the earth. He gave them motion by enacting the laws of cause and effect. Right and wrong are decided accordingly.

The Holy Spirit is the imperfection brought into what was perfect by design. Such was the will of the Father to give meaning to the meaningless perfection. Right and wrong became good and evil.

The Son set the standard by living in the way that is right and good. He lived as the Father and as the Holy Spirit. His death brought an end to the meaningless perfection. His resurrection brought the meaningful perfection to life.

The Holy Spirit is racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic. Woe unto the fool who accuses him accordingly! The very accusation is blasphemy. The accuser commits the one sin never to be forgiven.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

My Science Fiction Originality

My Strange Galaxy is a “space opera” universe as books, art, games and music. Star Wars and Star Trek are all these things… but they are not Strange Galaxy.

My “space opera” is one without spaceships. There are no robots or flying cars. There are alien races and exotic worlds. Magic is actually called “magic” and in all seriousness.

“Not this” or “some of that” are not the originality of Strange Galaxy. I created a universe in which mutually alien races advanced in mutually alien ways rival each other as equals.

A magically advanced civilization is technologically primitive. A technologically advanced civilization is magically primitive. A magical-industrial civilization is as primitive as it is advanced.

The species of a civilization is the nature that determines its development. Magical or technological or magical-industrial are decided by innate tendencies and aptitude.

It has been argued that an encounter between civilizations that developed without common influences would inevitably mean the one is hopelessly more advanced than the other. The visitors, by virtue of their ability to bridge the gulf, would most likely outclass the visited.

The argument is sound. In my Strange Galaxy, however, survival-of-the-fittest has eliminated all but the civilizations that can defend themselves. The races of these civilizations are not different breeds of the same species but rather different creatures entirely. Their differences are not levels of development as they would be between societies of the same species.

A magically advanced civilization cannot become technologically advanced. Not only are the particulars contrary to the natural preferences of the species in question, but the channeling of energy is disrupted by the use of devices that provide their own.

Strange Galaxy does not favor magic or technology. It does not favor guns or swords or particular types of guns or swords. The prowess of characters decides effectiveness.

Technology is faster, stronger and less taxing on its users than magic. Its guns are deadlier than swords. It consumes resources to use, however, and its parts are very particular and usually artificial.

Magic is simpler, personal and powered by channeling naturally available energy. Swords are unaffected by kinetic shielding and do not require ammunition or recharging.

Unlike natural creatures, vehicles and aircraft can be rendered inoperative by enervation spells. They are easier to ward. Should a fighting vehicle or combat aircraft reach its target, it will annihilate it.

Wooden sailing ships are tiny and slow compared to the steel warships of human navies. The vessels of a magically advanced civilization must “hide in plain sight” and utilize divination to move into position. They will open subtle portals and deploy boarding parties equipped with enervation devices. Even submarines may be found, boarded and neutralized.

My Strange Galaxy is a “space opera” with wars but it is not a war story. It is a universe with a consistent continuity but not an underlying narrative or specific cast of characters. The wars are simply the reality of an imaginary world of many worlds.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Spiritual Truth is Fantastic

Fantasies are not reality. They are feelings shaped by thoughts into imagination.

Stark reality is hopelessly uninspiring. Things bump and grind and are either annihilated or simply exhausted.

I imagine worlds where heroes explore exotic locales, meet interesting people, survive strange horrors and slaughter droves of baddies.

The exotic locales of the real world are swarming with annoying bugs, the water is unsafe to drink and vaccinations before visiting are a must. The people ramble in what is gibberish unless you learn how to talk over and over again. The horrors are horrible without the strangeness. The baddies may slaughter you.

I imagine empires and barbarians interacting in a dramatic flow and balance of survival-of-the-fittest. Intrigue, diplomacy, espionage and war make everything all the more interesting.

The politics of reality are nasty games of petty grievances and slanderous accusations. Its espionage and wars are inglorious murder and mayhem.

Heroes may survive their harrowing adventures unscathed. They will become slow, weak and frail and die anyway. Beautiful women become old and ugly.

A hero as a figment of imagination is forever in his prime. Beautiful women are forever young and beautiful.

There are spiritual truths in fantasy not to be found in reality. There is good and evil. There are heroes and villains. The struggle of good against evil is adventurous. Heroes do thrive in the face of horrors. The intrigue, diplomacy, espionage and war do make everything more interesting. There are damsels in distress to rescue. Nameless baddies are easy to slaughter in droves. Imagination reveals what cannot to be found in the gears that grind us.