Saturday, March 25, 2017

Good or Evil

People smoke though it is unhealthy, even when others must breathe the smoke with them. They blare their music though it disturbs those who would rather not hear it. They send their dogs to crap in the yards of neighbors. They pluck the fruits of labors not their own. They litter.

Evil is usually not sinister. More often than not it is sheer apathy.

People say kind words to be encouraging. They tell the hard truth when it must be told. They do right by others and think nothing of it. They rise to the occasion when evil must be stayed or avenged.

Good is unassuming, always. It is the little things that make all the difference.

Our reality is good against evil. Tribes, factions and nations struggle but these are not good against evil. Freedom is personal. Justice is individual. There are no exceptions… for they are absolute in all sincerity.

The Axis powers were indeed the “bad guys” of World War Two. The Allies were irrefutably the protagonists. Is there any doubt good men fought and died for Germany or Japan? Was every soldier of the United States, United Kingdom or Soviet Union righteous?

One man or one woman must do or do not, for better or worse. This is good against evil. Neither thoughts nor feelings are the fight. Actions for better or worse by personal initiative are the struggle of good against evil in its entirety. What follows, for better or worse, is set in motion accordingly.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Dreary Days of the Seven Years

My mother died seven years ago. She was not dying at the time. I visited her the very day before.

God exists but honestly, he does fall woefully short. No, he did not create evil or its murder and mayhem. Disease and disability are not his ideas. He favors the wicked, however. He then laments that all is in vain. He punishes the innocent for the sins of the shameless.

I am hot. Satan is cold. God is lukewarm. All that I do I do in all sincerity. Satan is the father of lies. God cares only not to care and bothers only not to bother.

The weather today is as it was seven years ago: dreary. My father asked me to visit but indirectly. I visited him only yesterday. I have no place to stay with him… because he would rather cast pearls before swine.

The Way goes nowhere. The Truth is uninspiring. Life is drudgery.

As things are, God is greater than his sinners… but no better. His knowledge and power are his greatness. Is this what distinguishes the wicked from the righteous? I shall have none of it.

There is a spirit of God not his own called “holy” by his Word. It is the imperfection never to blame. It is the innocence by which evil is even possible.

God made a leap of faith. If he fails the jump, we are all doomed.

My mother was alive, not a ghost, after she died… before she died… because Jesus made that jump. If he makes it, my mother’s call was not in vain.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sexual Humanity

Men are aroused by the breasts and buttocks of women. Yes, there are men who prefer boys, men or animals but these are deviants.

Women are aroused by success, a resonant and melodious voice, a playful wit or a reassuring smile. Oh, there are many exceptions but only because women are silly creatures.

Our sexuality is diverse. It is often perverse. It is the thing that makes anything and everything interesting.

Many women fantasize about being raped or murdered… though they would rather not be raped or murdered. The thrill of the fantasy is that it would be a terrible reality. The severity is exciting and the grim intimacy sexually interesting.

Many men fantasize about women being bound and gagged. Even those who do not are aroused by the idea. I find it sexy, as a fantasy. My compassion would not abide another person’s plight.

Our sexual fantasies do not always agree with our real preferences. They may be so outlandish as to be entirely impossible. They may not even involve our direct participation, even as a daydream.

I was sexually aroused by a fiction in a comic book: An armed man clad in full armor and anonymous behind a mask is standing guard. He is unaware of the monstrous pair of hands reaching for him… until they grab him by his helm and a shoulder and snap his masked face past the shoulder.

The killer and victim alike were male. The hero was the monster and the hapless baddie a human being. Though armed, armored and vigilant the victim proved helpless: He was smaller, weaker and easily caught unawares. The kill was unceremonious yet dramatic. The victim was left sprawled at his post to be found dead by his fellows.

I am a compassionate and heterosexual man who favors humans above all other creatures… yet I enjoyed every connotation of the provided fantasy.

Behavior is reality. Daydreaming is fantasy. Behave responsibly. Fantasize whimsically. Your humanity is worth the bother.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Death Fetish

Killing is thrilling! Right or wrong have nothing to do with the harsh reality. A creature is stimulated by the initiation and realization of destroying another creature.

Unlike animals, we are spiritual entities. Our reality is above and beyond material cause and effect. Primal impulses and instant gratification ultimately frustrate us if they do not come to a higher fruition.

Anyone who equates animal life with human life… is an idiot. Anyone who favors animal life is a blithering idiot. Need I explain what should be obvious?

The sanctity of human life is what makes destroying it especially thrilling.

Accidents, catastrophes, disease and animal attacks kill people. We are horrified but the horror is a cheap thrill. There are no spiritual connotations other than souls were stripped of their bodies and loved ones are left to mourn.

A person taking the initiative to destroy another is a spiritually powerful connotation. Killing is its physical manifestation. The default is murder but as defense, mercy or righteous vengeance the connotation assumes a different meaning, like the use of the same word in a different sentence.

Good people do not mean to harm other people. They will, however, and wholeheartedly to protect and avenge the innocent.

There is nothing right or wrong with violence of itself. Likewise, killing is neither good nor evil of itself. Such violence is thrilling regardless, whether it horrifies or pleases.