Saturday, March 25, 2017

Good or Evil

People smoke though it is unhealthy, even when others must breathe the smoke with them. They blare their music though it disturbs those who would rather not hear it. They send their dogs to crap in the yards of neighbors. They pluck the fruits of labors not their own. They litter.

Evil is usually not sinister. More often than not it is sheer apathy.

People say kind words to be encouraging. They tell the hard truth when it must be told. They do right by others and think nothing of it. They rise to the occasion when evil must be stayed or avenged.

Good is unassuming, always. It is the little things that make all the difference.

Our reality is good against evil. Tribes, factions and nations struggle but these are not good against evil. Freedom is personal. Justice is individual. There are no exceptions… for they are absolute in all sincerity.

The Axis powers were indeed the “bad guys” of World War Two. The Allies were irrefutably the protagonists. Is there any doubt good men fought and died for Germany or Japan? Was every soldier of the United States, United Kingdom or Soviet Union righteous?

One man or one woman must do or do not, for better or worse. This is good against evil. Neither thoughts nor feelings are the fight. Actions for better or worse by personal initiative are the struggle of good against evil in its entirety. What follows, for better or worse, is set in motion accordingly.


  1. Apathy really gets my goat. I cannot stand people who breath up my air who don't do any good for any of us. These people do more hard than good. They take up space that we could fill with wonderful things. We don't need 'em.

  2. I would argue that apathy is the worst of all evil, at least the Axis powers were out to create a new world. Those who only consume leave those who care to pick up their slack, breathe their smoke, and suffer their negative presence. There were soldiers on both sides in WW II who did not compromise their soul, the choice of light and darkness is always with the individual and never by accident.

    1. Exactly! The politics were spiritually irrelevant. The individuals lost in the crowds of the nations were the ones being tested. The war was a fire for the forging of souls.
