Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Measuring Heroes and Villains

I am a writer of action-adventure fiction. My stories are parables. My characters are examples of personalities interacting. Life and death are the themes my characters demonstrate. The struggle of good against evil is the defining aspect of these themes. Evil against evil is relevant in that such is entirely contrary to the nature of good. How a character measures the value of lives determines whether that character is "heroic" or "villainous."

A "hero" in modern fiction is a good person of uncanny prowess. A "bystander" or "Red Shirt" is an inconsequential nonentity character presumed to be "good." The "hero" is inclined to protect and avenge, whether reluctantly or wholeheartedly, the helpless "bystander." The "hero" cares about the expendable "Red Shirts" who accompany him into danger and is upset when they are expended.

A "villain" in fiction is an evil person as an antagonist. His indifference becomes malevolence and must be dealt with. Such a character may or may not employ minions. His thugs may vary in prowess between formidable elites and plentiful cannon-fodder. Regardless, those who serve him are an expendable resource in the pursuit of his agenda.

A "hero" is a "hero" when the lives of others are what he is fighting for. A "villain" is a "villain" when the lives of others are an expendable resource. Even if a hero is reluctant to help, if he helps, he is a hero. Even if a villain believes in the righteousness of his agenda, his willingness to sacrifice others vilifies him. Yes, a hero may lead other men to their deaths but only to save lives. A villain esteems notions more precious than the lives that serve him. Alas, good and evil are demonstrated beyond the subjective fancies of "right" or "wrong."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Humanity's Humanity

"Life is hard" and "the truth hurts." It is often mentioned "it could be worse." Humanity languishes. Prayer is useless. Atheism is a vainglory. Money can buy anything but happiness. Fornication and drugs are pleasures without joy. Humanity is desperate. Wracked with lust, fear and pain it becomes frantic. We suffer wars and wonder why.

All is as it has always been whether better or worse. Why? How is it everything changes yet nothing changes? Everyone asks what few truly wonder: Why? Would knowing the answer truly change anything? How could it? Truth itself never changes.

Humanity is the best and the worst of all creatures. The few who care are the light of our world. The many who do not are its festering darkness. Truth is despairing without justice. Life is meaningless without freedom. Wisdom is sinister without sincerity. Love is selfish without compassion. The few who care are those who cry out for justice. They shall not be ruled nor do they seek dominion over others. Their every thought is to do what is best for all. They are loving of those who love them and a friend unto all who prove friendly.

The few who care are neither a race nor a culture. They have no tribe or nation. They are not a religion nor an ideology. They cannot be tallied by the scribes of men. Alas, the few who care are beyond the reckoning of the world they live in. Their warmth is felt by all but only those with eyes to see can discern their light. The few who care are the only ones worth caring about for they alone give life to our dying world. Those who care are beyond precious for they are everything that makes anything worthwhile. Rejoice, for those who care shall endure even as our world burns to dust and ashes. They shall be cleansed of the many who do not.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

For the Better

Most people are aimless, drifting wherever the currents of life take them. They are like sheep, grazing wherever they are herded. Yes, they may wander but such is the way of mindless sheep. Like all animals, they know only hunger, lust, pain and fear. They cannot distinguish what they want from what they need. They cannot discern the selfishness of love from the sincerity of compassion. Such people simply do not care. In their emptiness, they fail and perish as all flesh does. Their lives are a shameful vainglory.

Good is not measured by evil for evil is but a lack of good. The vice of one is not the virtue of another. Being greater than the mindless sheep does not make you better than them. You must care. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Sift through the trash to find what is treasure. Tend the sick and wounded but burn or bury the dead. Life itself is the war of good against evil. Fight it! Live your life as a blessing in action.

A meaningful life is one for the better of all who care. It does nothing for those who do not. Casting pearls before swine is a waste of pearls. Tossing money to the dogs is a waste of money. Feeding pigs gourmet food forsakes the more appreciative palate. Doing things for the best requires they be done for the better people. Only those who care shall care what you have done for them. Only they shall fashion a blessing from your grace and generosity. The indifferent shall despoil you. The malicious shall rend you to pieces.

Those with eyes to see shall see the light of good and be enlightened. Those with ears to hear shall hear wisdom and made the wiser. As for the aimless masses: many a friend has crawled out from under their muck. Be there for them.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Inglorious Glory

"Mooks" are a class of plentiful, expendable, villainous cannon-fodder. Few appreciate them. Some dismiss them entirely. As for myself, I am an avid connoisseur of this lowly archetype.

The skeleton warrior, battle droid, Imperial Stormtrooper, Delmo and Silent Hill Nurse are among popular culture's favorite mooks. What is their appeal? The skeleton is eerie, the battle droid is funny, the Stormtrooper is sleek and the Delmo and Nurse are sexy. Yes, even the expendable cannon-fodder can be interesting... if there is something interesting about them.

I am a writer of action-adventure fiction. My mooks are my favorite characters. I make them interesting. How? I am mindful of what makes popular fiction's mooks interesting.

*A MOOK NEEDS A PROPER NAME: No name, no identity, collective or otherwise. A mook cannot make a name for itself unless it has one.  (The Imperial Stormtrooper is a character of many that rivals the characters of one... because he has a distinct identity.)  TAKE HEED: the largest Star Wars fan club is dedicated to the Imperial Stormtrooper specifically!

*A MOOK NEEDS AN ADMIRABLE TRAIT: No one can care about a person or thing devoid of merit. A mook without a likable quality is "lackluster" by definition. (The Imperial Stormtrooper is loyal, relentless and obedient. He never fails for lack of trying.)

*A MOOK NEEDS A SIMPLE YET INTERESTING LOOK: Groups look best in streamlined uniformity because it gives their collective aspect a singular aspect. Complexity among its individuals blurs the collective aspect  into an obscurity of clutter.  (Ranks of Stormtroopers standing at attention in the docking bay of the Death Star is a favored scene.)

*A MOOK NEEDS A MOTIVE FOR SERVICE: A character is not a character at all unless motivated by thoughts and feelings. Even a selfless, loyal and obedient mook should have a personal reason for being so.  (The Delmos of the anime Agent Aika are henchwomen who follow their leader believing he shall save the environment by cleansing the Earth of corrupt human civilization.)

*A MOOK MUST PROVE USELESS AGAINST HEROES: Villainous masterminds and elites are exceptional, hence, they should be the exception, not the standard. Mooks are distinct in that they set the standard of villainy. Heroes are exceptional, thus, they are beyond the standard in prowess. A protagonist even remotely on par with mooks is not a hero in the classical sense.  (The Imperial Stormtrooper is popular culture's greatest mook because he is everything a good mook should be: has a proper name, an admirable trait, a simple yet interesting look, an established motive for service, an origin story... and is fatally useless against heroes.)

The best mooks are the pure and complete mooks, because they are the only characters than can fill their fun, exciting, inglorious niche. Those who rightfully love them love them for what they are: villainous, expendable and useless. Enjoy their many misadventures!