Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Message

I write fiction. The genre is either adventure or horror as either science fiction or fantasy. My style emphasizes dialog over exposition. 

I illustrate the covers and create the title fonts. The illustrations are minimalist. The fonts are thematic but very simple.

My fiction began as childhood daydreams. I imagined scenarios and muttered the dialog of the characters. People heard me talking to “myself” and thought I was weird. I eventually wrote what I daydreamed.

My illustrations began as childhood drawings. I wrote and rendered scenes of comic books I never finished.

I create my own fonts as an afterthought. I was fond of the ones already available… but wanted the entire cover to be of my own making.

My fiction is always weird, violent and sexual. The weirdness may be subtle, the violence may be implied and the sexuality nuanced, but they are what they are, and always all three.

The killing is the sexiest aspect of my work. It is quite often the only one. The fancy is not death itself, mind you. The sexiness is in context. The victims are ordinary and insignificant. The slaying is impersonal and effortless. The killer is usually a hero and his victim a nameless foot soldier of villainy.

My work is allegorical. Main characters, heroes or villains are INDIVIDUALITY. All the other characters, regardless of faction, are SOCIETY. To understand this is to understand the recurring theme of a hero slaughtering droves of nameless baddies with pathetic ease.

The message is loud and clear.



  1. I do think that a lot of fantasy writers are inspired by their childhood imagination. I have seen that a lot in various biographies.

    1. Yeah, if your imagination is weird, it doesn't become that. The weirdness is how it starts out. You can lose the weirdness, but only if you try. Those who do such a thing, trying to be "serious" instead lose their mojo.

  2. It is the few who distinguish themselves from the many. The rest are freely expended and their deaths insignificant. Those who care will show they are better.
