Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Holy Ghost Writer

If the Holy Spirit wrote a book, what would he write? Would it be about the Jews beings stupid? Would it be letters to cities? If he wrote about Jesus, would it be from the perspective of anyone but himself? 

Would the Holy Ghost have a ghost writer?

The Bible was written by sinners, to be clear. It was not written by the Holy Spirit. When Jesus spoke of him, he spoke of a person, not of people. The Spirit is an individual, not a collective.

Non-fiction is about this failed reality. It is a failure, to be clear. That is why it shall be burned away and replaced with a new heaven and a new earth.

Jesus taught in parables. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus. Parables are fiction. The Holy Spirit would write fiction.

What would he write?

It is often asked, “Why does God allow suffering?” or “Why does God allow evil?” and children are often cited as the innocent victims. The answer is quite simple, “Why not?”

Humans fret unfairness… but insincerely. Their “fairness” is what suits them, not what is just. They tout “social justice” but such a “justice” is as corrupt as anything else in society.

Our best fiction is about murder or war. Our best video games are likewise. These things are especially interesting if sexy, and strangely sexy most of all. Humanity was made in the image and likeness of God. The interests of our species are from God himself. This is why he “allows” what he does. By making it real, we have a canonized basis of comparison.

If the Holy Spirit wrote a book, it would be fiction about murder and war, and it would be strangely sexy. Children would be victims.

You may be horrified by my claim. Perhaps you assume God is gentle… even though he kills people… a lot of people. If you disbelieve in God then why are you scared?

TO BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR: It is not the will of the Father or of the Son that any should perish. They shall see to it, however, on Judgment Day. There is only one sin never to be forgiven, and that is for love of the Holy Spirit. The Father has endorsed and the Son shall condemn to damnation to satisfy the anger of the Lord of Spirits.


  1. Good stories tend to have bad things happen in them. So, it is not surprising to see this play out in reality. We will not get out of our troubles, but He can get us through.

    1. And getting through is the story. The problems themselves are just to get the ball rolling.

  2. He would write letters about how to be a good Christian through the apostles towards the second half of the New Testament, letters that ended up being controversial to nearly everyone.

    1. He is the one of the Trinity hated most of all. That hate stirs the sinners to commit that one sin never to be forgiven. God blessed his people with a blessing that curses the wicked.
