Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Seeds of Genius

It is easy to imagine but difficult to create.

I write books and illustrate the covers. I start with an idea. It totally works in my mind… but then I try to articulate it into words or render it as an illustration.

People know I am a writer and an artist. They share ideas with me, telling me I am allowed to use their ideas or suggesting I write them into fiction as a collaborative work.

Reality is unaccommodating, even when it comes to fiction. A story must make sense, no matter its nonsense. Its characters must be believable, no matter how strange they may be. An illustration must look like something familiar, no matter how strange the subject, or the picture is not really a picture.

Art is craftsmanship. It is real, even when fantasy. Like all things crafted, it can be of high or low quality. I love what I do, thus, my art is a labor of love.

The unimaginative sometimes criticize my imagination. They scoff that my creations are inspired rather than original. They cannot relate to what I do because they do nothing.

I am an artist because I fell in love with art. I write books because I enjoyed reading them. I illustrate the covers because I appreciated the covers of what I read. I was inspired by the works of others. That inspiration becomes what I write and render.


  1. Art is indeed craftsmanship, it requires love to put in the effort. It takes a craftsman to judge a work. Without the perspective criticism is meaningless.

    1. Yes. The work is called "work" because that is what it is.

  2. I have seen nonsensical stories that made sense and reasonable stories that made no sense.

    1. Consistency is key. So long as a story establishes rules and never breaks them, it makes sense.

  3. Ideas are only seeds. They must be planted and nurtured to bear fruit. Otherwise, they are wasted.

    1. And like seeds, only the ones innately good can grow into something truly good.
