Thursday, January 18, 2024

Four of Seven Black Deaths

I have finished writing the first four of my seven Black Death books. I have already illustrated all seven covers.

The countless hours of hard work are not for instant gratification.

The premise is two big and black sisters kill white girls for fun. They do so with impunity. Villains are introduced and the sisters stop them, by killing droves of white henchwomen.

The theme is not social commentary. It is erotica. The sexiness is the girls and the violence.

The victims are not tortured. Their deaths are not gruesome. The point is to grimly amuse, not to shock or disgust.

Black Death is not a black comedy. It is action-adventure, but as the adventures of antiheroes. The humorous moments are to laugh at ourselves, not at the story itself.


  1. It's actually not social comedy; you are correct. It's more of a power fantasy with a point to make.

    1. PERFECTLY described! I struggled to articulate what I meant, but you did so. Thank you.

  2. In an adventure work, there tends to be the killing of minions. The distinction here is that the killers enjoy what they do. But what are the fruits that are born from this?

    1. The serial killing changes nothing, because their victims are insignificant. Stopping the villains is important because the world would become an insufferable hell otherwise.

  3. Those books look wonderful together, fantastic work! A well crafted series that is made out of pure love!

    1. I did not merely make each cover attractive. I colored and illustrated them to compliment each other. That was the hardest part.
