Monday, October 30, 2023

Scary Inspiration

October 31st is Halloween in my country, the United States of America. It is the day we celebrate the thrill of horror without being horrified.

I love Halloween. Sure, the wicked can ruin it with nasty pranks, but the wicked ruin everything. Yes, it has a dark history, but such is history. The occasion itself is harmless fun.

I am a writer of fiction. Halloween is the holiday that inspires me most. The scary themes lend themselves to storytelling. They began as storytelling, actually. Unlike the other holidays, which are very specific, Halloween is generalized. It is the celebration of thrills for their own sake. The best fiction is thrilling.

[Once a year every year, each member of my creative group is challenged to make something scary or a parody of scary as a Halloween event. October 28, 2023 was our 20th annual Halloween Challenge.]


  1. Keeping it going is important. I was actually kind of sad that we didn't get any trick-or-treaters. Where have all the children gone? My neighborhood should have been a prime candidate.

    1. The world is becoming a place haunted by people rather than LIVED in. Our annual Challenge is one of many efforts to reverse the dehumanizing trend.

  2. Every year, I challenge myself to do more. Each story must add something to the mix. It should be the best example of whatever it is attempting to convey.

    1. And not in vain. Your thoughtful prose inspires me to think.

  3. May it last another 20 years! And more! Having a group of friends such as you guys makes it all worthwhile.

    1. You inspire me too! I need wind in my sails to keep the ship going.
