Sunday, October 8, 2023

Real or Imagined

I am a storyteller as a writer. I have written stories about elfin secret agents, little girls as the foot soldiers of villainy, armies of barefoot clone women and two black women who serial kill young white women. I am writing a novel about a Nazi sorcerer and his apprentice, his teenage daughter.

I have been asked why everything I write is weird. It is suggested I should try writing about normal things. I should fictionalize my own life or write a historical fiction. Many people tell me fiction is fake and I am knowledgeable, so I should write non-fiction.

I drew pictures before I wrote stories. I turned my daydreams into images. I imagined fantastic scenarios rather than wishful thinking. I enjoyed reading stories and was inspired to write my own.

We live in reality. What is the point of me writing about it? I would rather dream while awake as I do when I sleep. My thoughts are inward when I do so. I learn about myself by turning the dreams into images and stories.

Many people travel the world. They eat exotic foods. They learn different languages. They are nonentities in their own lives. They are sponges rather than people. I would rather be a person, and that means an individual.

I am not the world. I am myself. The world is only important because I live in it. It is unimportant otherwise.

Of course I live in a country and eat its food. I use its language to articulate thoughts. I am what I am regardless. Of course I am inspired by the world. The world itself is uninspiring, however. It is my imagination that makes things interesting. I use the skills I learn and the materials available but what I make is what I craft. The artistry is entirely mine.

I create. This is the difference between me and those who learn rather than imagine.


  1. Indeed the world is uninspiring, the reality doesn't make for good fiction. The "weird" things you write are the appeal, they are not of the world and better for it. What if Freddy Krueger was confined to the rules of the world? There sure wouldn't be so many sequels (or any at all) I can assure you. Keep doing what you do, it works my friend!

    1. Freddy Krueger is an excellent example! Interesting that you mention him. I watched the 1st and 3rd NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET movies with my sister this week.

  2. What is normal writing? I think it may be non-fiction. You are doing the right thing.

    1. Thanks! It is hard to know in this "real" world of smoke and mirrors.

  3. Those who imagine better can make it so. Fiction has inspired many wondrous inventions. Those who focus on what has already been done tend to stagnate.
