Saturday, August 5, 2023


I fancy women. They are sexy to me. Their sexiness is not merely their form. It is their voices, mannerisms and quirks.

The same person is a little girl then a woman then an old woman. She is very different as these three things. I am fascinated by this.

I have looked at old women and imagined them as young, knowing they once were. They were silly when little. They were sensual when adults. They are grim in their later years, for better or worse.

Every old woman was once a young woman and every young woman was once a little girl. Not every little girl grows up, however, and not every young woman grows old.

What is a “woman” in the spiritual sense? It is not her youth. It is not her maturity. It is not her sexuality, since many “women” perish before such a thing develops or they continue on when such a thing is no longer relevant.

Woman is Man as a female. She is his femininity as a person. Everything about her is in the nature of Man, but as its own creature.

There shall be neither male nor female in the new heaven and the new earth. Humans shall be like the angels in this regard. Like the angels, they shall be feminine or masculine. It shall be a matter of personality rather than anatomy. WHO a woman is shall define her, not WHAT she is. That is also why there shall be neither Greek nor Jew.


  1. Having been made from man, it is not surprising to find similar traits. However, it is the femininity that defines the fairer sex. They are attractive by nature.

    1. Yes. Woman is the LEFT half of man mirror-imaged into a new and distinct creature still innately part of him. That she is the Mother of humanity brings their relationship full circle.

  2. Interesting actually. I always disconnect the soul from what we see and hear in our present world. Fully mature and an exact representation of what we really are. The soul never changes; we only change physically.

    1. Yes. Young or old, male or female, black or white are DESIGN features, nothing more. WHO we are, not WHAT we are defines us.

  3. A very insightful blog my friend! To be defined by our sex or any other physical design only leaves us with the human animal, or meat robot. Who we are is the spirit. Who we are is the spirt that moves the body and utilizes the intellect to create. Mind, Body, and Spirit is the image and likeness of God in which humanity was created.

    1. Yes. Our mind is from the Father, our body from the Son and our soul from the Holy Spirit. Like the Son, we must choose our Father in Heaven, and sacrifice our mortality for the things that shall never die. If not, we have only our mortality... and shall die along with the flesh.
