Friday, July 28, 2023

Artful Living

Sometimes I feel inspired and writing or rendering is easy. Sometimes I am uninspired and writing or rendering proves difficult. Sometimes I am inspired at first but the work becomes grueling and I am disheartened.

I create as a matter of principle, whether I am in the mood to do so or not.

I write books and illustrate the covers. I create the title fonts. I compose music and design games. I create memes. I have painted and sculpted. I have acted on stage or for an audio-drama. I have directed short plays and an audio-drama. I sing. I try to dance. When I was a child, I made toys and costumes.

I am an artist for the sake of the art. It was never to make money… but I need money. I have bills to pay and groceries to buy.

My jobs are not my life. They are to provide for what is my life. I am an artist… and my wages pay for the art.

I am not rich. I am not famous. By the unwritten rules of this world, I am a failure, even as an artist. My art is worthless unless I can sell it. It is bad unless many people proclaim otherwise.

My art is as it began: My imagination as creativity. It is what it was always meant to be: What I imagine as something real.

Imagination is fruitless without creativity and creativity is spiritless without imagination. I do not fall short in either regard. I bear spirited fruit. Though I languish in obscurity, it is only as a mortal man. As an artist, I am thriving.


  1. If you love something, you will do it even when no one is watching. Still, art is meant to be shared. The enjoyment of others increases the motivation to continue doing what you love.

    1. Oh, it totally thrills an artist to be appreciated. It inspires the artist all the more. Sometimes we are not appreciated till after our deaths, however. We are ultimately okay with that.

  2. Imagination is fruitless without creativity indeed! Imagination is a gift given to us, creativity is putting the gift to use and enjoying it. Many have nothing to show for their imagination, their lack of creativity is their shame. An artful life is a good life, not only that it is The Way.

    1. Indeed. Imagination is the seed but it must be planted and tended. If kept in the pocket, it does nothing.

  3. Everybody dies. When they die, they can't take any of this with them. What good is a financial success when you won't be able to enjoy it for eternity anyhow? Life only lasts a blink of an eye. The idea that it is long and slow is a faulty perspective. The things that really matter lay outside of this reality which is the next step we all have to deal with one way or another. (Even Enoch had/has to deal with this.

    1. Yes. We know eternity is real. Assuming we have forever is nonsense and we know it. Spending what little time we have to transcend our mortality is the only thing worth living for. Art serves that purpose. That's why we are still inspired by people who have been dead for centuries as if they are still alive.
