Friday, July 21, 2023

Mindful Freedom

You do not think for yourself unless you have thoughts of your own. 

The mindless can be educated. They fancy themselves wise by learning what they are told to know and thinking what they are told to think.

See what you see and hear what you hear. Do not think. Merely observe. Notice rather than conclude. You shall realize the truth when it becomes obvious.

You are not your memories. You are not your opinions. You are your actions. What you do is who you are.

The world shall measure you by your wealth, power and intellect. God shall judge you by your faith, diligence and sincerity.

A thought is not your own if it is learned. It must be yours from the beginning. No one tells you what this or that means. Your conclusion is not suggested. You see what you see. You hear what you hear. You conclude accordingly.

Of course it is good to learn from others! You are easy to brainwash if you do not have a firm foundation of your own, however. You must bother to think for yourself… or a mastermind shall do it for you.


  1. People demonstrate what they are by what they do. Those who talk much, tend to have little in the way of action. We must do more than just stand around making funny noises.

    1. Hehehe. So true. If all we do is talk, we might as well bark, meow, chirp and anything else that makes noise but signifies nothing.

  2. Very well said my friend! We must ask ourselves who are we when we turn off all outside sources. If we take away our memories and knowledge is anything left? What would we do? Who we really are is from within and projects outward, not the other way around. Thinking for ourselves means being able to turn off those sources and project your own thoughts into action.

    1. "Who we really are is from within and projects outward, not the other way around," is an obvious truth we fail to realize at first... if ever. Introspection is scary because if anything is wrong, it is wrong with us personally.

  3. You should have thoughts of your own, but do understand that sometimes those individual thoughts differ from person to person. We can learn from those particular people if we bother to listen. It doesn't always mean their right, but their perspective on reality can still be interesting and lead to new thoughts and ideas. I am not, by the way, talking about the people they just repeat quotes from other people.
