Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Books Grow on Trees

I have been drawing pictures since my childhood in the 1970s and writing stories since my adolescence in the 1980s. In the 2020s I write books and illustrate the covers, doing both things of my youth as the same project. Then again, I did likewise though differently in the 1980s, when I wrote, drew and colored pages of comic books I never finished.

My reason for creativity is what it was from the beginning. My interests have not changed, though they have matured.

I am supremely confident as an artist. My work is never perfect. On the contrary: It is sometimes inarguably ridiculous. My inspirations are likewise, however. I have yet to read a book or comic book, watch a show or movie or play a video game that cannot be complained about ad nauseam. I have yet to love something not hated by other people.

I do wonder if my work is good or not. Of course some of it is better than others. I create what I want to create and how I want it, but art must inspire other people to be good. I can daydream without writing or rendering what I imagine, so there is no point in writing books and illustrating the covers for me alone.

I have a strong sense that my work is not only good… but very good. My fiction is better than the classics and its covers shall be appreciated as the true vision of the author.

Like Abraham, I grow old waiting for my wish to come true. Likewise, it seems unlikely. My hope is unrealistic and I am deemed a fool for hoping. I believe in myself and my belief is scoffed as a delusion of grandeur.

Judge the tree by the fruit it bears. I am fruitful in my life as a mortal man. I write books and illustrate the covers. I create the title fonts. I have product to show for all my hard work. Getting it to market is difficult, especially since there is no market for what I offer quite yet. My work is different than what the world expects. The difference shall make all the difference, however.

I am a man of the spirit, not a man of the flesh. Though as mortal and only human as anyone else, I am immortal and supernatural at heart. My stories are parables, as they were when Jesus was a storyteller. The themes are worldly but the message is divine.


  1. Your work is only as good as you think it is. People's opinions don't matter. If it did, you'd be dealing with a large chunk of the world saying your work is bad. And then you would selfishly cling to those people who say it's good. So that system doesn't work. The truth is that if you love something and think it's good then its's good enough. Write for yourself. If it makes you happy, then it is good. God didn't wait for people to say his creation was good. He just made it and said it was good. That's how things are meant to be.

    1. Valid point. He said "It is good," without consulting anyone else. He was the Creator, not them, so why worry about their lack of imagination? Still, if my work only appeals to me, then why write or render it? I can imagine without documenting what I imagine.

  2. People tend to get out of a work what was put into it. If you love what you make, there are those will see it. They usually encourage others to experience it for themselves.

    1. The love is what makes the "bad" ideas sheer genius. A lack of that love is what makes "great" ideas boring.
