Wednesday, February 26, 2025


The true horror of nuclear weapons is not their destructive power… but rather their lack of it. Though they can kill by the millions in an instant, millions more are left to die slowly. Victims shall languish in agony from burns or they shall starve to death.

People flippantly remark that we should nuke other people. Not everyone is serious when they say such a thing. Everyone who does mean it is evil, regardless of their self-righteous indignation. They are stupid, confident that they can terrorize the world into submission.

A limited nuclear war? Wars do not escalate anymore? Seriously? The mindless brutes are mindless indeed. Their sophistries of apocalypse without consequences demonstrate what Jesus meant when he said, “professing themselves wise, they became fools.”

There shall be a nuclear war. It shall not end the world in an instant. It shall wage for years, the most horrible years ever. There shall never be a worse year afterwards. Humanity shall have its hell on earth… and in vain.


  1. Oh, yeah. Totally agree. We were better off without these things.

    1. Yes. The world is a heaven or a hell by the people who live.

  2. It is easier to destroy than it is to create. People put effort into tearing others down, instead of building them up. So, they will ultimately choose the worst of all outcomes.

    1. Indeed. The jealous make sure NO ONE can thrive. The world languishes accordingly.
