Saturday, August 3, 2024

Man in the Low Castle

The Confederate States of America was evil because of slavery and the 3rd Reich was evil because of the Holocaust. These two countries lost their wars, and were conquered. Their history was written by the conquerors.

The United States of America was evil because of tyranny and the Final Solution was necessary because the Jews were turning the world into a global plutocracy. Such would be the claims of the Confederacy and 3rd Reich if they won their wars. They could not conquer their enemies, so history as we know it would still be written.

The Confederacy would reconsider its stance on slavery, in the hope of easing diplomacy and fostering trade. Agitators would cause problems. The world would side with these troublemakers. The Confederacy would not only return to its old ways, but with a murderous vengeance.

The 3rd Reich would deny the Holocaust… but the evidence would prove overwhelming. The Nazis would eventually admit their crimes, but as an argument against their victims. The admission would make them more comfortable doing such things.

In our real history, had the Confederate States of America won the War Between the States and maintained its independence, it would radicalize rather than reform.

In our real history, if the 3rd Reich was able to secure its Living Space, it would turn Germany into a bigger and stronger country. Foreigners in their realm would be enslaved, exterminated or assimilated. The availability of land would encourage “Aryans” from abroad to immigrate.

Both the Confederate States of America and the Greater German Realm would be white supremacist military powers. The Confederates would champion most people of European decent, accepting the whites of Latin America as brethren. The Nazis would favor Germanic peoples, but the need for population was already broadening their sense of race.

The United States of America would be weaker than in our reality… but still stronger than the Confederacy. The British Empire would still be powerful had it not exhausted itself trying to defeat Hitler. The Confederates and the Nazis would never be able to conquer the world, even if they joined forces. The Yankees and the Brits would still have the strength to conquer them, though with much more difficulty.

I did not forget about the Soviet Union! A Confederate States victory would mean a weakened United States. Without the vast amount of supplies and weapons shipped to Russia, the USSR falls and quickly. It may linger in Siberia for a while… or indefinitely… but Russia west of the Urals becomes Germany.

I think about our world as it is today. I imagine what it would be like if the Confederate States of America and the Thousand-Year Realm were still around. I am amused to consider that the me of this other world would write about them being conquered instead.


  1. People rationalize the evil they do. Fingers are pointed at others instead of at oneself. If only the powers that be would remove the beam from their own eye before attempting to provide clarity.

    1. The people in power pride themselves in controlling the narrative, thinking it is stronger than truth. Their narratives crack and crumble, becoming ruins until fading away entirely.

  2. A lot of the facts about both things are horribly mixed up with cultural taboos. It's frustrating that even if you try and explain them, people immediately go into a pathologically fit of accusations without even listening.

    1. That is true. If I wrote a non-fiction book about these things, it would accomplish nothing, even if many people loved it. By writing fiction on the subject, I can punch right through that box of indoctrination.
