Monday, August 19, 2024

Intellectual Property

The universes of mainstream fiction are dying. Their deaths are unnatural. They were corrupted into shameless propaganda. They were always tainted with the hypocrisy of the rich, but there was always an effort to actually entertain us. Now the de facto plutocracy would rather shame us… because the plutocrats have become overconfident and lazy, I suppose. The incompetence of the diversity hirelings does not help.

I am an artist. My specialty is writing books and illustrating the covers. I create the title fonts. My work is not fan fiction. I create universes.

My FANTASY is traditional… but believable. It has been called “science fiction” because though its characters are magical fairy folk, the stories are not airy fairy.

My SCIENCE FICTION is speculative… yet contrary to what is deemed scientific. The natural is decided by the spiritual.

My EROTICA is sexy… but not in a way that is obvious. There is explicit copulation. There is nudity or alluring costumes. All of these are supplementary, however. The actual sexiness is the impersonal slaying of insignificant people by unceremonious means.

My HORROR is scary… yet adventurous. The stories are about exploring the unknown or battling the mysterious, regardless of the fate of the protagonist.

My DYSTOPIAN work is cynical… yet hopeful. Though it acknowledges that there is no hope for the world, it shows individuals prevailing.

My work is languishing in the mainstream… but so is that of the corporations. I am not making money… but neither are they. Well, the rich have rigged the system to keep themselves rich, but their propaganda is failing. Their entertainment industry used to be a money mill… but now its needs subsidy… just to linger.


  1. The mainstream is so corrupt, why would anyone ever wanna be apart of it? For something you can't take with you when you die? No thank you!

    1. The death of the mainstream may be our chance to shine. The industry may be too weak to suppress us or simply drown us out.

  2. When the agenda is more important than the story, it sucks the life out of the work. Who wants to be lectured to when they came to be entertained? What cannot be enjoyed will not be remembered.

    1. "What cannot be enjoyed will not be remembered" is perfectly stated!
