Saturday, July 13, 2024

Like God

It takes me longer to create a world than it did God. It took me fifty days to craft Weird World compared to the five days it took him to make our world, so he’s ten times faster than me.

I write fiction. My ability to create worlds and people is because of my soul, the very breath of God. My impulse to do so is also from him. I understand the meaning of life accordingly.

Our reality is the physics and continuity of the story that God wrote. He finished the book, though we are still reading what he wrote.

Honestly: I am disappointed in reality. The setting is messy, the story is uninspiring and the characters unlikeable. The cover art is attractive and some of the illustrations gorgeous, but otherwise the universe is a waste of paper.

I may be wrong. I am not yet finished reading what the Author has written. The beginning was good. The end may be better.

I can empathize with God… because I know what it is like to have an idea and bother to make it work. It becomes work to do so. Nothing goes according to plan, even when it does. Bringing it all to a satisfying conclusion is the hardest part.

My writing is a labor of love. It does not pay my bills or buy my groceries. I would like it to, but that is irrelevant. I do what I do because I want to, not because I must. I illustrate the covers and create the title fonts, though it would be easier to commission someone else to do such things. My craft makes my life harder, not easier… but that is all right. When “it is finished” I am exhausted… but the joy that follows makes it all worth it.

God gave me the ability to imagine and create. In doing so, he gave me the ability to understand him. I am amazed. When I hold a book I wrote and stare at the cover I illustrated, I am in awe. I hold what I made to my bosom and give thanks.


  1. Reality functions according to the way it was made. It is the influence of those created which has made such a mess. However, it is clear that He is aware of this and has taken action to make things better.

    1. God made the "mistake" of letting his characters have a say.

  2. Reality or at least the perspective we have of reality is very slow. It is very sluggish in its presentation and we also get inundated with the boring stories of uninteresting people along the way. But if you view the universe from God's perspective, you can see it far better for its greatness. It also seems far more streamlined and full of very interesting heroes and villains. That is why I give Him a pass. I saw what He did the way He did, shedding my flawed Earthly perspective.

    1. I understand. EXAMPLE: The expendable characters in my stories had uneventful lives before expended... but the only thing you read is the expending, because that is the only interesting thing in their lives.
