Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Doom of the Wicked

The wicked are hopelessly stupid. They lie, cheat and steal and pride themselves on their witless cunning. They bully the helpless to pretend to be powerful. Things always go wrong when they reap what they sow.

I am not one for wishful thinking. Vengeful fantasies do nothing for me. I know that for all their lies, cheating and thefts the wicked are doomed to die. There is no lie they can tell, scam they can pull or thing they can steal that saves them from the inevitable. They are helpless no matter their supposed wits or power.

The Shroud of Turin is real. It is a holographic negative with blood as proof of the Resurrection of Jesus. Unlike the wicked, he conquered death and turned the inevitable on its head.

The poisonous pride themselves on their poison. They think to murder without a fight. They relish the very idea of poison gas, germ warfare and nuclear weapons. Swords and guns are the weapons of heroes and villains alike. Poisons are the venom of the inhuman who mean to kill as vipers.

The wicked are eager to torment and kill by gas, germs and nuclear weapons. They mean to be nasty. They have their weapons… but their power is the will of God. The weapons belong to Jesus and cannot be used until he uses them.

God does have a sense of humor. Have no doubt that he is playing a serious game for his grim amusement. He turned the inevitable on its head when he conquered death. He turns wickedness on its head by deceiving liars with their own lies, cheating cheaters with their own scams and robbing thieves by their own stealing. He shall cleanse the world of murderers by their own murder.

Jesus holds the keys to hell and death. When he is ready, he shall turn the keys and launch his weapons… by the very hands of their victims.


  1. The waste of potential when humanity falls short is the ultimate tragedy. God gave humanity the ultimate gift, those who discard it deserve all they bring upon themselves.

    1. Totally! When given everything and you have nothing to show for it, you are less than nothing.
