Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Comely Foot Soldiers of Villainy

I am a writer, artist, game designer and music maker. Weird fiction as adventure or horror is my specialty. The useless foot soldiers of villainy are my favorite characters. The Red Shirts of Star Trek, the Imperial Stormtroopers of Star Wars and the Amazons of Classical Mythology are my formative inspirations.

An aversion to promoting violence against women is sensible. Acknowledging the abilities and accomplishments of women is commendable.

Fiction’s useless foot soldiers of villainy are usually depicted as men. They are typically nameless baddies easily silenced as sentries and slaughtered in droves when assailing throngs. Do silencing the sentry and hero versus throngs promote violence against men? What if the sentries and throngs are women?

The Amazons were baddies as an army and nation of sexy women. They were slaughtered in droves or carried off as sex slaves. My own armies of female baddies are in their tradition.

I think and feel freely. I shall not suffer sanctimony in the guise of justice. No one is raped or slaughtered by my fantasies of murder and mayhem. No one rapes or slaughters because they lose touch with reality. The compassionate act accordingly. The vicious act accordingly. Men who abuse women do so because such men are brutes at heart.

Art and fiction can inspire violence in reality. It is the context that is for better or worse. Showing people as creatures to be loathed and deserving of punishment stirs animosity. Glorifying needless cruelty renders the monstrous heroic. Depicting women as innately seductive or slutty implies selfish desire is actually mutual.

The Amazons were baddies but they were honorable. They were slain in combat but never tortured or mutilated. They desired the seed of heroes but in the hope of breeding superior Amazons. They were raped but as spoils of war taken as wives.

Church ladies and feminists are boring. Beta males are uninspiring. As a writer, artist, game designer and music maker I would be a fool to heed these people.

I am an avid connoisseur of the useless foot soldier of villainy archetype. I much prefer them to be comely females in skimpy uniforms. My interests shall not be marginalized by sanctimony. They are the sublimation of natural thoughts and feelings into sensual and thrilling fiction, art, games and music. Enjoy.


  1. I did not fully comprehend the whole killing thing until I played Vermintide on Steam. My thing has always been rats, but I had no idea that my love of rats would also involve slaughtering them en masse. It was always the plentiful weak ones that I enjoyed killing the most.

  2. What's better than throngs of men as foot soldiers? The obvious answer is throngs of sexy women, your work will always be an inspiration to my "misogyny".
