Tuesday, June 30, 2015


What if the asteroid belt really is the fragments of an exploded planet? The notion is flippantly dismissed because it cannot be deduced how such a phenomenon could occur naturally. What if the event was a deliberate action? Why not? Is not our own world threatened by weapons of mass-destruction? We know there are ways to annihilate beyond all reason.

The fossils of extinct apes are no more proof of human evolution than the bones of gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans are human remains. Unusual human fossils are no more unusual than the skeletons of pigmies and professional basketball players. I was born with six toes on one foot… and not because we are “evolving” more digits. Actually, we are losing parts, not evolving new ones. A theory of human devolution is more in sync with the actual evidence. Yes, we have our growing technology but remember: humanity built its pyramids without our modern toys. We are what we are and as such we make our own trappings.

One is the quality of existence. All quantities, even those fractured, deficient or of opposing polarities, cannot exist unless derived and maintained by the absolute one. Nothing is simply nothing at all. Giving nothing a name does not give it substance for if it is truly nothing then there is nothing to substantiate.

What if the Big Bang was a human voice and the universe a human creation? We imagine. We create. We give meaning to what would otherwise be meaningless. What if there is a God and he is the first of us? Man may very well be the measure of all things, indeed.

Animals can only do what comes naturally. Yes, we may teach them tricks but we do so by manipulating their innate inclinations. We may even breed them or otherwise genetically tweak them to our own ends. We may soon design new creatures entirely. We may even change ourselves, for better or worse. We are the only creature who can entertain such notions.

Good is flow and balance. Evil is when flow is stifled into stagnation or balance teeters towards chaos. Good restores itself by counteracting. Flow is restored by creating an imbalance. Balance is restored by channeling flow. Alas, all things are clean of themselves.

A war preceded us. All our wars are offshoots of this one and ongoing conflict. Most of the fighting is evil against evil: elites vying for power. Vastly outnumbered and hopelessly outgunned the good find themselves fighting alongside the wicked that the lesser evils may overcome the greater. Ultimately, however, the strongest evil shall devour all others and good alone shall remain to fight it. Numbers and firepower are decisive in the material plane of existence but they prove impotent in a clash of spirit.

Every man is one man. He is less or he is more than the sum of his parts. His nature and experiences shape what he is but who he is must be of his own making. A man who is only his nature and experiences is a nonentity. His life is insignificant and his death inconsequential. A man who strives, for good or for evil, is on a path that shall take him beyond where he finds himself. Whether heroic or villainous he shall make a difference. His death shall not be the end of his doings.


  1. At the root of it all the point is to just stay out of a bloody box. Open your darned eyes and pay attention. Really, why would you ignore the obvious because your neighbor told you otherwise. The truth is right there in black and white. No interpretation needed.

    1. Indeed. Some say "seeing is believing" with their eyes closed.
