Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Yississ War: Reviewed

            “A huge naked corpse-woman with six breasts and tentacles for legs is the chief antagonist of Shawn O’Toole’s The Yississ War, which I’m prepared to go out on a flailing zombie limb here (confused metaphor and all) and call a modern masterpiece.” 

            -- Jason Kehe, Wired

If you want something new then you want something unusual… if you are truly hoping for more than a refresh of the usual.

I am a writer of weird fiction. My work is not strange for the sake of novelty. I am inspired by what is already available. Alas, by love of the tried and true I am stirred to write things new and unique.

Like most people, my favorite fiction is heroic adventure stories. I revel in the daring and prowess of the protagonists. I am thrilled by the dramatic violence. Comely female characters make it all sexy. Elements of horror accentuate every thrill; violent and sexual. Magic makes it all fantastic. Speculative science proves interesting if plausible and sheer fun if ridiculous.

I am an artist and game designer but a writer first and foremost. It is the story of a game or picture that captures me. It is the drama of character interactions that make me care.

I wrote a story that is but one of many that are my Strange Galaxy universe. The Yississ War is the tale of an army of clone women battling the monstrous forces of a demon living in rotting flesh. A mortal man and his “army” of three superheroes ally with the clone women to save the galaxy. Weird? Totally. Stupid? Not at all.


  1. You did what you loved and it panned out for the best. I still believe that there are many occasions where a book can be judged by its cover. This is clearly an exception. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you. The irony is this book was only judged at all because of its bad cover!
