Sunday, December 17, 2023

Babes in the Woods

Sexual fantasies are typically nasty thoughts about other people. Mine are ideas for stories. I sublimate my thoughts and feelings into creative endeavors. I turn them into art and fiction.

I wrote a novella about two sisters and their cute friend. The sisters are big and black. Their friend is small and white… and a redhead.

The sisters have a hobby: They murder young white women. They do not torture their victims. They simply strangle them or break their necks or knock their heads together. They strip the bodies and donate the clothes to charity.

Three sisters are the villains. They are wicked witches. They lure the redhead into a mysterious fog and kidnap her. They mean to sacrifice her on the night of a blood moon to revive their own youth.

The two black women venture into the fog to rescue their friend. They slaughter their way through droves of enchanted white girls to do so. These girls are uniformed in a white T-shirt with a red handprint on the bosom. They wear nothing else, not even shoes. Their weapon is a dildo that shoots glowing bolts.

The premise and particulars are utterly ridiculous. The story is erotica and action-adventure. Weird, yes, but such is the quality of dreams.


  1. Fantastic work my friend! May the Killjoy sisters never run out of sexy victims!

  2. Bizarro fiction still has to take its ridiculous premise seriously.

    1. Indeed. The ideas are not truly loved by the author otherwise.

  3. Fantasies are often used for cheap gratification. They titillate for a short while until they become boring. It takes effort to turn them into art.

    1. When love is key ingredient, the gratification becomes satisfaction, and lasts forever.
