Thursday, September 28, 2023

Turn Left to Nowhere

Russia should be a constitutional monarchy of half a billion people by now. Alas, it became the Soviet Union and the death of millions. A genocidal invasion slaughtered millions more. The Russian Federation began as a dead empire and is becoming its zombie.

China should be a thriving democracy by now. An invasion slaughtered millions. Alas, China became the People’s Republic and the death of millions more. It yearns to crush the piece of it that is thriving without it.

There is no one person to blame for what happened to Russia or China. The emperors of both were cruel but never as cruel as the Communists. The power is always collective regardless.

Both Russia and China have legitimate grievances. Their countries were devastated and their people slaughtered by foreigners. Both Russia and China did the same to their own countries and people, however. Their self-righteous indignation is shameless hypocrisy.

The West is to blame?

If not for the West, Germany and Japan would have conquered Russia and China. Instead of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic there would be the east of the Greater Germanic Realm and the west of the Empire of Great Japan. Russia and China would no longer exist.

Communism is to blame.

The French Revolution was communist, though it called itself “enlightenment.” It was a reign of terror until replaced by the fascism of Napoleon. Sure you can argue semantics, but the gist is what it is, and gist is the truth of things.

The West is dying. The greed of its capitalism assures the rise of its socialism. The plutocracy shall seize ownership of everything in the name of the people… and we shall suffer its reign of terror.

Would the world really be worse had the Axis powers won? I am starting to wonder.


  1. Communism is just flat bad and as Satanic as you can possibly be.

    1. Indeed. It is the same false promise made in the Garden of Eden, just politicized.

  2. Lust for power leads to the loss of such. People do not appreciate what they have, so it is taken from them. We must maintain what was built, or watch it be torn down.

    1. Yes. Evil is people chasing their tail. They fail whether they catch it or not.

  3. Communism does not create it only kills. Capitalism keeps the ball rolling because of greed. National Socialism would be ideal if there were only good people in the world. Russia and China sold their soul for the worship of a machine state, their people are spiritually starving because of it. The same machine ideas are creeping and poisoning our own country and I pray that they are snuffed out before it rots the core.
