Monday, June 4, 2018

Sign of the Cross

We are people. There are many of us. Most of us are ordinary. Many of us are pathetic. A few of us are extraordinary.

Good and evil are not distinctions of right and wrong. Good and evil are spiritual. Right and wrong are material.

More often than not, good people are very evil. Hitler was such a person. He sincerely wanted to make the world a better place. He loved humanity and hoped to bring it to a higher state of being. He was gracious with enemies he considered individually friendly. Still: Hitler was hateful, a thief and a murderer.

The common evil is sheer indifference. Most people simply do not care.

There is good without evil. Jesus was and is such a person. He was and is capable of anger but is slow to anger. He was and is capable of violence but his violence is only ever to protect or avenge. There is nothing he cannot or will not do to do what is best.

Do you know what demons are? They are something wrong. They are unclean spirits. If Jesus cared about right and wrong, he would not care about demons… but he does.

Alexander the Great was a son of Zeus, the Devil. Saint Christopher was a cynocephalus. They were and are demons. They were unclean spirits. Jesus cleansed them. They were unnatural until given a place in the natural order by He who created nature. By the grace and ingenuity of Jesus, Alexander and Christopher were saved.

God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is Love. The Holy Spirit is Friendship. They have nothing in common but as the Son they have everything in common. Jesus is the Trinity.

Intellect is from the Father. Freedom is from the Holy Spirit. Intellect and Freedom as one and the same is Choice. All choice comes from Jesus personally. He must give it for you to have it. The choice He gives you shall prove either your lifeline or the noose He hangs you by.

Demons may be saved but everything about them is created. The soul is the spirit of humanity and is not a creation. It is the very breath of God as the life of a creature. It is the last breath of Jesus on the Cross as the first breath of Man. It returned to its source when the Life came to life as the Son of Man.

Every human being lives by the breath of the Word. By the Word you live and by the breath of His utterance you shall be judged. All began with Jesus and all shall be finished accordingly.

In the Beginning there were no prophets or scholars. There was no scripture. None of these are the source. None of these are the answer. The Truth is not Hebrew or original Greek or any other gibberish or scribble. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. His blood is the source. His breath is the answer. He is humanity as its origin and its fruition, thus, he is the Beginning and the End, the first and the last.

The Cross was shaped differently than the ordinary crosses. A sign was to be placed above its victim. Unknown to the Romans, this cross was the mark of God. Its sign was the name of God.

The Cross represents the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit… and the Twenty Four Elders. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always were and shall always be. The Elders began but their origin is without beginning and shall never end. The Twenty Four are one with the Son as the Son is one with the Father. Their spirit is the Holy Spirit as it is the Spirit of the Lord. God is divine by the Father, sincere by the Holy Spirit, human by the Son and transcendent by the Twenty Four.

It is not by wisdom or righteousness that a mortal human being becomes God. Right or wrong, fair or unfair has nothing to do with it. God was always Jesus. He became God when he imagined and created. One must imagine and create to be God.

Adolf Hitler shall be one of the Twenty Four Elders… and not because he was righteous. He became a living soul by the breath of Jesus. He imagined and created with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. He lived his humanity to its fullest.

Be human with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Imagine and create! The only good truly good comes of it.


  1. Simple answer, just don't go with what everyone tells you to. If your gut reaction to this blog is to call it distasteful or blasphemous, then you are not really thinking for yourself. Listen to what the crazy people in this world have to say. We're attuned to reality as it is and not how it was hand delivered to us by people we don't even know.

    The story of Saint Christopher can be found on my blog right here:

    1. Yeah, why do we believe what we hear from complete strangers? Why do we assume they must be telling the truth? Why do we trust them more than we trust our personal observations? We know why. I'm doing something about it.

  2. All of your words ring so very true my friend! So many seek meaning from outside sources never realizing they were given all they need from the start. Our choice given from the Truth that we may live the Way, simple and in plain sight yet only a few have the eyes to see. Those who are lukewarm will have no part in the new beginning.

    1. Yes. People breathe the very breath of the Creator. His blood is in their veins... yet they seek the things he created to fulfill them. The fulfillment was always and is always by actually creating. Creations can only ever be to the credit or shame of their creators. Jesus bears NO shame because in his genius, he makes use of even his useless creations.
