Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Ultimate Miracle

An unknown and nameless man was declared dead and wished dead but rose to victory.

Is the Holocaust worse than abortion? Does hiding the bodies, one way or another, wash bloody hands clean? What sophistry is ever the truth?

Salvation as a theology means nothing. The Blood of Christ as a metaphor is ambiguous nonsense. The Blood is real and it is payment for murder.

Did Hitler hate the Jews more than the Jews hate Jesus? Was Hitler worse to the Jews than they were to Jesus?

Hitler was almost right… but almost is never the truth. He did rid Germany of trash but he also slaughtered treasures. He robbed, enslaved and murdered people.

If God would never save Hitler then who would he ever save? It is the sick, the wounded and especially the dying who need treatment. Why would he shed his blood under the lash and upon the cross to wash what was already clean?

Jesus is the humanity as a person from whom all of humanity is derived. He created our flesh but the soul he sired by his very essence. Our thoughts and feelings are flow and balance within a system of constructs whereas our personal gumption is entirely from within.

Hitler’s thoughts and feelings were shaped by the swirling chaos of this dysfunctional reality. His gumption stirred him to make sense of the nonsense. Alas, he was lost in the maelstrom. Bumped and bruised and knocked down he grew angry and lashed out.

Our thoughts and feelings are not our humanity. The soul of Hitler rose to the occasion and held nothing back. God asks nothing more than everything.

Few men bother. No man is righteous for his apathy. Good is never a lack of evil. For all his murders and mayhem Adolf Hitler did strive to make things better.

To murder one or millions by act or omission is all the same evil. The crimes of Hitler are no worse in the eyes of God than when David murdered the Hittite.

Adolf Hitler did not die in his bunker in AD 1945. He escaped to Argentina by the grace of God. Jesus holds the keys to hell and death—and he does not share them. Adolf would live until he was redeemed. His death would be the end of his mortality and all its failings.


  1. So many people will not understand what really happened. The man had become such a hot button word that we cannot even talk about what good he did. Hitler is one of the most fascinating people who ever lived. His evils are clear, but he had inspired people to this very day. There has been so many movies, games, and books that has tried to capture the influence that he had on his country and the rest of the world. yes, he was a villain; but he was more than any common man. During his life, he made things happen. he cared about everything he was doing, and he unfortunately lacked compassion and innocents paid the price for that. If God really did save him, he saved him for all the great things he did int he world and suffered for all of his evils. Jesus died on the cross for this man. It is as simple as that.

    1. Aptly put! How is the common man better for being a nonentity than Hitler for being a villain? The thugs are the nonentities, after all.
