Saturday, December 16, 2017

Feminism is Fake

Women are sexy. They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, daughters and nieces. Men would not tolerate these moody weaklings otherwise.

There is no feminism. There never was. Women are fearful and needy. Men dominate other men in the name of women and make the women feel safe. They offer what is needed by taking it from others. They tell the women what to think by flattery.

There are strong women and weak men but Man is stronger than Woman. His empowerment is by force. Hers is granted or denied.

The “battle of the sexes” is a game we play. It is an exercise that keeps our species fit. Of course there are injuries, as there are in every sport. Likewise, there is cheating.

Women should not be in combat. Men should not be in combat... but only because people should not fight and kill each other. Men are stronger, faster, tougher and more aggressive so they are better suited for such a thing.

The strongest bodies are not the strongest men. The men who rule the world are not muscular young men but rather bold and wily old men. Women are not inferior because they are physically weaker: the mighty are physically weak. Women are weaker in mind and spirit.

The place of woman is at the side of man, not as his equal but as his helper. He is to do what is right. She is to encourage him to do so. He is to act. She is to support his action. We are a social creature. Man and Woman are the Right and Left of our species. As a species, we are right-handed.


  1. The biggest problem with feminism is that it has culturally been artificial. It actually works against women and makes them weaker. The whole thing is an artificial platitude to make them feel better but ultimately they are being destroyed by it.

    1. Exactly. They're high on a drug that's burning them out.

  2. Feminism is the sweat little lies that are meant to keep us oppressed shoved neatly in our box. Touting something that is not demonstrated is a wasted of breath, and who do we know who would love to waste the breath of life...

    1. Indeed. The liar who told woman she could be like God keeps telling the same lie... and she keeps falling for it. She has always been his easiest victim.
