Friday, November 4, 2016

War and Peace in Our Time

I find war interesting… not as death, destruction and despair but as a contest of courage, prowess and resourcefulness. The qualities of a society are tested. The virtues and failings of the combatants come into play in a game of survival-of-the-fittest. Yes, the best men tend to die but as blood sacrifices for the advancement or preservation of their people.

Suppose there were no nuclear weapons to fret, for whatever reason. A war between the United States of America and the Russian Federation would begin as easy victories for the Americans. The fight would become a struggle when it became the invasion of Russia. As with the First French Empire and Nazi Germany the fate of America would be decided by success or failure. France and Germany failed and their empires collapsed accordingly. As an American I would sorely dread an invasion of Russia.

Nuclear weapons are the reality. A hot war between the United States of America and the Russian Federation would most likely begin as a conventional conflict outside their borders. Should those borders be crossed, however, even if accidentally and by only one missile or aircraft, nuclear exchange would soon follow. Millions if not tens of millions of Americans would perish. Russia west of the Urals would become an instant sea of fire. The world systems would unravel and the remaining Russian forces would fight on with nothing left to lose. No one would win this war. Every hero would die and in vain.

War is not movies and video games. People suffer and die. Even those who survive unscathed are traumatized for life.

Americans are dear to me because they are my people. They are my friends and family. Russians live with each other as friends and family. We do not want to lose our friends and family. A war between us would hurt us both.

The West, East and Far East struggle for dominance. In the Latter Days the Lawless One shall proclaim himself God and the East and Middle East shall challenge his claim. Russia will burn and only a sixth of her shall remain. The Far East, led by Japan and joined by India, shall make its move and kill a third of mankind. Conventional and nuclear war shall rage for years until few men are left. The days shall be shortened or else no flesh would survive.

The Apocalypse is inevitable. The desperate wickedness of most people shall have its hour. So be it.

Donald John Trump shall be elected President of the United States of America. He shall make peace with the Russian Federation. The peace shall be the prosperity of both nations.

The West, East and Far East shall be allowed their nuclear war of futility… but not yet. The good in the world is to shine that all who care may thrive. The cold and darkness shall return when the light of the world is taken away.


  1. Tomorrow the world will watch in nervous anticipation as our country makes a choice, light or darkness. As Trey Smith says, "the Pharaoh is cracking the whip and demanding bigger blocks", we can either be squished under the weight or rise up against the ungrateful masters.

    1. Totally! I mean TOTALLY. This is sink or swim time. This is the first election in which the choices are GOOD or EVIL. Trump and Hillary are merely the advocates.

  2. How could Diamond and Silk be wrong?

  3. War is a terrible thing, but necessary. If the evil that permeates our society cannot be cleansed, then it must be forcibly removed. We shall soon see which of these fates await.

    1. This election decided PEACE BY STRENGTH. The Latter Days shall come, however, and the world shall burn. Peace is always possible but war is inevitable. May the war to end all wars be the death of the wicked.

  4. Turns out that they were right! Long live Donald Trump!

  5. He will live long... or die a Baron Munchausen death and brag about it.
