Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bearing Fruit

Few are sinister. Most quite simply do not care.

All is well, ultimately. Though the uncaring are the masses and the malevolent their agitators, the minority of good asserts itself.

Thriving societies have the higher ratio of good people. Languishing societies languish in their overwhelming sea of restless apathy.

An evil in a society of good is still evil, though its mischief may be tempered. A good in a society of evil is still good, though its luster may tarnish. An individual, not its society, is the wellspring of good or evil. Opportunities and excuses, of themselves, are irrelevant.

The death of the wicked is always good for evil dies with them. The death of the righteous is always a tragedy, even should it inspire, for good is conducive to life. Let he who is a blessing endure. May he who is a curse duly perish.

I am a writer, artist, game designer and music maker. My themes are murder, war and rape. They are also kindness, heroics and romance. The struggles are good against evil or the futility of evil in of itself. Justice prevails, always, or I would never be inspired.

Nice and generous are not always good. Brutal and stingy are not always bad. So long as all reap what they sow, for better or worse, all is well.

Evil would grind our world to a halt but good keeps us onward. May your life be momentum in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Life is just an opportunity to do something. The good will live their lives to make things better. The evil will serve their role and then inevitably expire.
