Monday, December 1, 2014

Throngs and Sentries

The silencing the sentry and hero versus throngs are my favorite fictional action themes. The sentry must prove easily subdued. The throngs must prove easily slaughtered. The idea of both is the ordinary being utterly outclassed by the extraordinary.

I love the idea of the supposedly common proving itself exceptional. I am inspired by triumphs of the underdog. I am contemptuous of the truly ordinary, however. Only the excellent should excel. Mediocrity is unworthy of recognition.

The extraordinary exceeds the ordinary. A “hero” is a protagonist of extraordinary prowess. The “throngs” are the anonymous, ordinary folk as antagonists. The “sentry” of the silencing the sentry theme is an individual of the “throngs” on guard duty.

The silencing the sentry and hero versus throngs themes are a celebration of individual prowess besting the anonymous many. As themes of good against evil they are freedom and justice putting slavish conformity and mindless obedience to shame.

Good against evil resonates in fiction because it is the ultimate struggle in reality. The outcome of that struggle determines whether we rise or fall within. The “hero” of our fiction represents the individual in reality. His fight is our fight. We are thrilled with anticipation as we watch him stalk our enemies. We are inspired as he outfights the overwhelming odds that swarm us. The silencing the sentry and hero versus throngs are my favorite action themes because they are unassumingly the most relevant.

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