Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Amazons

The Amazons of Classical Mythology were a nation of women devoted to war and hunting. They were generally antagonistic but never particularly villainous. Their valiant soldiers were readily slaughtered or sexually enslaved.

Some Amazons were better than others. Their queens and champions were renown for their beauty and prowess. Only the greatest of heroes were manly enough to best them.

The Amazons were mortal and only human in a universe teeming with fantastic entities. Though skillful and relentless their warriors were useless against superhuman heroes. Their armies were defeated in every war of theirs mentioned.

The Amazons are peculiar indeed. The very idea of warlike women remains a novelty to this day. Friendly or hostile, Amazons were slain by heroes. They were belligerent yet never sinister. They were aggressors yet sympathetic victims.

The Amazons readily suffered defeat and humiliation yet they remained proud and their realm was never vanquished. True to their womanhood they found their identity and strength in their solemn devotion.


  1. Interesting that they were mere mortals in a world of supernatural creatures. They got the worst of it, whether they were evil or not. It's like killing one was a rite of passage for heroes...

    1. Indeed. Though mere mortals their popularity exceeded that of most entities in the Classical Myths. Killing an Amazon was indeed a rite of passage. The modern day interprets this aspect to be sexual symbolism of obvious connotations. I think it's cool.
