Saturday, September 27, 2014

Strange Galaxy: Swords vs. Guns

In our world, a man who brings a sword to a gunfight is a dead man. Technology has rendered humanity's most revered weapon utterly obsolete.

I appreciate the romanticism of the sword. I also like the dramatic appeal of modern firearms. In our world, the weapons cannot share the same era. Yes, there was a moment when swords and guns were equals but the swords were advanced and the guns primitive. I wanted them together, both of them at their very best.

I am a writer and an artist. I refine and fashion my fancies into art and fiction. I wanted the best of swords and the best of guns to meet as equals. It would be the fighters, not their choice of weapons, that would decide the fight. I made what I wanted happen.

The days of the sword were also the days of magic. In my science fiction Strange Galaxy universe, magic is as real as technology. Magically advanced alien civilizations are armed with swords. Their soldiers are protected by spells and talismans. They can endure the destructive superiority of technology if they can outfight its gunmen.

Magic or technology, guns or swords, it is sound leadership and the prowess of warriors that decide the wars of the Strange Galaxy. Anything less would be unworthy of a legend.

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