Saturday, May 10, 2014

Good versus Evil

In reality, most struggles are evil against evil. The opposing factions tout and embellish what little righteousness they have. They exaggerate the sins of their opponent and are reticent to acknowledge their opponent's virtues.

I believe in JUSTICE, knowing that no faction truly represents such a cause. I fight for FREEDOM, knowing those who fight alongside me prefer domination. Alas, I am often in league with evil in my struggles for the common good.

FREEDOM and JUSTICE are one and the same: the sowing of oneself and the reaping of what one sows. The mighty cannot grant FREEDOM for one who is beholden cannot be free. Law cannot codify JUSTICE for justice is the very spirit of FREEDOM, thus, is not subject to decree. Personal, social and political agendas are whim and yearning, thus, they are neither FREEDOM nor JUSTICE.

I strive to do what is best, always. I am always a friend unto any who care. Should the need arise that I must align myself with the wicked in the defense of goodness I shall do so. I am not bothered when the indifferent profit in the defense of the caring. What is best for those who are good is always good.


  1. It is the tendency of humanity to choose sides, which means they carry the baggage that comes with their team. Do what is best, regardless of factions. Evil will always do what is to their best interests. Use this to get things done for those who truly care.

    1. Indeed. Keep the ship you're on afloat because you don't want to drown, not because the ship itself is your life's purpose.
