Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Humanity's Humanity

"Life is hard" and "the truth hurts." It is often mentioned "it could be worse." Humanity languishes. Prayer is useless. Atheism is a vainglory. Money can buy anything but happiness. Fornication and drugs are pleasures without joy. Humanity is desperate. Wracked with lust, fear and pain it becomes frantic. We suffer wars and wonder why.

All is as it has always been whether better or worse. Why? How is it everything changes yet nothing changes? Everyone asks what few truly wonder: Why? Would knowing the answer truly change anything? How could it? Truth itself never changes.

Humanity is the best and the worst of all creatures. The few who care are the light of our world. The many who do not are its festering darkness. Truth is despairing without justice. Life is meaningless without freedom. Wisdom is sinister without sincerity. Love is selfish without compassion. The few who care are those who cry out for justice. They shall not be ruled nor do they seek dominion over others. Their every thought is to do what is best for all. They are loving of those who love them and a friend unto all who prove friendly.

The few who care are neither a race nor a culture. They have no tribe or nation. They are not a religion nor an ideology. They cannot be tallied by the scribes of men. Alas, the few who care are beyond the reckoning of the world they live in. Their warmth is felt by all but only those with eyes to see can discern their light. The few who care are the only ones worth caring about for they alone give life to our dying world. Those who care are beyond precious for they are everything that makes anything worthwhile. Rejoice, for those who care shall endure even as our world burns to dust and ashes. They shall be cleansed of the many who do not.


  1. The few who care are the ones worth fighting for. All else will perish with their world.

    1. Indeed. People pride themselves in what they know won't last. They neglect the things that would endure if nurtured.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another good blog about the small yet very important good in the world. You summed it up well, but I wish to make one extra point. Where it is true that there is far more indifference in the world, how amazing it is that the few who care seem to keep the world going despite being so outnumbered. Very simply: these people matter and the indifferent do not.

    1. Yeah, it is amazing, isn't it? We see the proof of it, however. We watch as those who care achieve wonders while those who do not whine about the unfairness of it all.
