Friday, August 16, 2013

Sexual Malice

Heterosexuality is a predator-prey relationship.  I know women want to be strong, but to be "female" is to be designated for penetration.  As all heterosexual men know: there is no greater indignity than to have another person's body shoved into yours.  When we want a woman, we want her to be our victim, to do unto her something worse than killing her.  Yes, for us real men, there are things worse than death.  Why can women relate to male homosexuals?  As victims, they have so much in common.  Men always "want it" because we are instinctively striving for a quantity of offspring.  Women are meant to be "frigid" so as to ensure quality offspring.  Sluts are frowned upon because they do not give balance to the flow.  Yes, there is rhyme and reason to our courting silliness.
If I were mindless, I would rape everything female in sight.  I would kill at a whim.  I am not an animal... but my body is.  I am mindful of my impulses.  I sublimate them into energy for productive endeavors. I draw upon them for strength and inspiration.  As a human being I am beyond my primal nature.  That said, my aggressive, sexual drives are always with me.  I would have it no other way.             

1 comment:

  1. The difference between humans and animals is that we can choose not to give into our base desires. Nature does not rule us... we rule nature.
