Monday, August 26, 2013

Sex and Violence

Sex and violence:  like male and female, they are best and worst when together. They are nothing alike yet have everything in common.  Their intercourse is natural and innately dramatic.  There is no artistic theme which stirs us like the union of sex and violence.
Intensity frightens the timid and inspires the bold.  It is always exciting, regardless.  Masculine aggression and feminine sensuality are each strong in their own right... but strongest when together.  Male and female are meant to copulate.  Sex and violence are intrinsically linked.
In our art and literature, typically and traditionally, men are warriors and women are victims. The male falls in battle and the female is murdered.  Of course there are "exceptions" but the gist of the heterosexual dynamic remains true.  Yes, a fictional man may be murdered, but he shall not be remembered lest his death was somehow his glorious end in a struggle.  Perhaps a heroine is the slayer of men... but only because she is wearing the pants of her legendary brethren.  Ultimately, the mainstay is the theme of the man as the "white knight" and the woman as the "damsel in distress."  Why?  Because nature gave man the "sword."  Yes, the truth of it is as simple as that.  Sex and violence in art and literature are the perfect storm of our primal nature.  Enjoy the sublimation thereof.

1 comment:

  1. It is undeniable that sex and violence are intrinsically linked. Denying what is natural does not change the facts.
