Saturday, March 4, 2023

Mortal Trinity

When you are a child, the world is new and anything is possible. When you are an adult, the world is familiar but limited by harsh reality. When you are elderly, the world is changing and the end of you is near.

Fascinating how the same person is different people as the years go by. The similarities accentuate the differences.

Unlike mortal humans, the immortal angels are never children or elderly. They are adults from the beginning and do not end.

God created the angels with the Holy Spirit in mind. Like the Spirit, they would be true to what they are, no matter what. They would be powerful, relentless and immutable.

God created humanity with himself in mind. Like him, they would be curious and whimsical. They would be imaginative, creative and introspective.

The Holy Spirit is not merely powerful. He is all power. There is no power without him. The power of God is the Spirit. With this in mind, God made angels more powerful than humans.

The stages of life are based on the Trinity. Childhood was inspired by the innocence of the Spirit. Elderly was inspired by the wisdom of the Father. Adulthood was inspired by the Son, who is the Spirit and the Father as one and the same.

Dealing with harsh reality is the responsibility of the ADULT, since HE alone is wise and strong enough to do so. This was inspired by the life of Jesus.

Demons are because of the sins of angels, but would be impossible if not for the will of God.  That they were spawned of sin in itself is meaningful. God wronged the Spirit by humanizing him. This is because the Spirit was and is everything unto itself. Jesus was the Spirit brought to life, when Jesus was baptized. The demons as creations of God were inspired by his very own mortal humanity.

The “duality” of the universe is not God and the Devil. It is the righteousness of the Father and the goodness of the Spirit: FLOW and BALANCE.

The created did not create itself. It can only evolve or devolve or adapt or fail to adapt within the system provided. Every aspect of Creation reflects its Creator. The right and wrong alike, the good and evil alike are all from God.


  1. People put a lot of emphasis on the Devil, but he is just a created being. In reality, he serves the purpose of his Creator. It is only in comparison to humanity that he seems so powerful.

    1. Yes. He is clever and powerful against... the mortal and only human. He outmatches angels, who were not created to be the top of their kind like he was. The Devil's greatness is entirely that of his Creator. Even his evil is not his own.

  2. Pretty much everything that can be seen, heard, and felt came from God. And like Him, we can also be inspired and create. I like the whole idea of it and wish I could do the same.

    1. It is not easy for God, either. That's why he rested on the Seventh Day. He did not retire, however. He immediately got back to work.

  3. I never really thought about the three distinct stages of life in that way, it rings true totally! Adulthood is the time of responsibility when men are put to the test proving they have the strength of will and wisdom to follow The Way.

    1. Yes. Adulthood was inspired by the life of Jesus. To live differently is to be either childish or feeble at heart.
