Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Redemption of Righteousness

The Holy Spirit is not merely sincere. He is sincerity. He is absolute and whatsoever is not absolute is insincere. He loathes all righteousness as insincerity… because it is not always friendly. He is friendship itself, mind you.

The Spirit does what it does. Thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with it. They cannot influence it though it influences every thought and feeling. God himself is influenced. He is inspired by the Spirit. Alas, God and Creation are nothing to the Ghost that haunts them. Of itself, it is utterly unaware of them, or even itself. The Spirit is thus innocent and to accuse it is to accuse innocence itself.

Righteousness is the will of God and nothing more. It decides what is right and wrong. Such a thing is meaningless to the Spirit. Sincerity does what it does regardless of right or wrong. To accuse the Spirit is to blaspheme the Spirit, for it is justice itself yet you condemn it in its own name. Take a guess on how well that will work.

Sincerity is freedom and justice. It is friendship. It is the Lord of Spirits, the Holy Spirit. So many names for the Ghost that haunts God and Creation. Take heed that the names are not the Spirit but rather acknowledge the Spirit outside of it. The names are the Word of God identifying the effect on things and nothing more.

Jesus is the Word of God. He was filled with the Spirit when baptized and chosen by the Spirit when dead. He was quickened by the Spirit and by the power of the Spirit as the Spirit, he conquered death.

As the Word of God, Jesus is the very will of God, thus, is always righteous, He could not do wrong, for he decides what is right or wrong. Had he submitted to the Devil, Satan, not the Spirit, would be the guiding principle. The Spirit would leave him and God would become cynical. Creation and its Creator would languish. All would be meaningless for sincerity, freedom, justice and friendship would have no place in the hearts of God and men. Righteousness would be in vain… as it is right now.

Jesus shall redeem all righteousness, not on its own terms, but in the name of the Holy Spirit. It shall no longer be a measure of right or wrong but rather a judgment of sincerity, freedom and justice. It shall prove friendly to the friendly and unfriendly to the unfriendly and unreasonably so. As Jesus, the Lord of Spirits shall judge as God himself.


  1. The trinity would have fallen apart (or rather never existed) if Jesus had chosen Satan. The Holy Spirit would have rejected him. I think things would have sort of continued in a small way had this had happened, but its difficult to speculate. It is very clear that God loved the Holy Spirit more than anything and so he would not have been very proud of his son if he had ended up so wishy washy. We might have ended up with a complete wipe out. Grimm but not beyond what is possible.

    1. Valid points. It seems everything divine is from the beginning or not at all. God being timeless, it could be no other way, or else he'd be bound to his own creation.

  2. Indeed, Worldly righteousness shall be reproved and cast out in the name of The Lord of Spirits. Sincerity, Freedom, and Justice set the standard for the righteousness of the friendly. Jesus did the impossible, The Father bet it all that his Son would, Jesus became The Way because The Holy Spirit prevails.

    1. ABSOLUTELY! The do and don't list are NOT the guiding principle of the Lord. The convenient "truths" of the created are NOT the Truth. Jesus is the Truth! His Spirit is Freedom and Justice. He is Friendship accordingly.
