Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lukewarm in the Name of the Lord

The Christianity of this world is unlike the Christ it supposedly worships. The truth is original Hebrew and original Greek. Good is a lack of evil.

Jesus is the Christ. He is the Word and he is not Hebrew or Greek. He is the Way and he is not out of the way of evil.

Supposedly Christian music is uninspiring. It is sycophantic and sanctimonious. It denies our sexuality though God made us male and female.

Supposedly Christian books are superfluous. They are nothing without the Bible and we already have the Bible.

Supposedly Christian movies are boring. They are tame and the Lion of Judah is not tame.

The singers of Satan are better than those who sing gospel. The books of the godless are better than those about God. The movies of hedonists are better than those of prudes.

The Spirit of Jesus is displeased with the tripe made in the name of the Lord. He prefers the works of the wicked for such works are made with vim and vigor. Be fired up for him or cold against him. The supposedly Christian is lukewarm: This is why the Christ spits it out of his mouth.


  1. Exactly, worldly Christians are boring and never put their heart into what they do. They believe the message will carry itself... but in reality it's an excuse for them to be lazy. Evil is a lack of something, and thereby to create something lacking is evil. Why would God want us to hold back and restrain our efforts? Lukewarm shall never please the Lord.

    1. They are so stupid as to think the Lord accepts lazy efforts if the right boxes are checked. They do not have this "personal relationship with Jesus" they claim.

  2. I agree with you... but I must be gentle... for now.
