Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Earth, Wind, Fire and Water

The Three Worlds inhabited by the men of dust and water were Earth, Ocean and Man. Earth was the third planet from the sun and Ocean the fourth. Man was the moon of Ocean. Luna was not yet the moon of Earth.

The earth of Ocean was imbalanced and the world became the asteroids and comets. This was the First Apocalypse.

The ether of Man, the air breathed by men, was torn from it and its men perished. The earth of Man was brought to Earth in a firestorm that burned its lands and collapsed its firmament. This was the Second Apocalypse.

The earth of Earth erupted and its firmament collapsed. The men of Earth drowned. This was the Third Apocalypse.

Earth and its men shall burn. Those who survive shall linger till dead by disease or deprivation. This shall be the Fourth Apocalypse.

The elements of creation are the elements of destruction. They are dust, ether, water and fire. You, humanity, are the men of dust and water. The angels, your false gods, are the men of ether and fire.

Ocean was obliterated in minutes. Man was killed in hours. Earth was drowned for days. Earth shall burn for years. The least is the greatest and the greatest least, indeed. The men slain by the greatest destruction suffered the least. Those to be slain by the slow burn shall suffer the greatest tribulation.


  1. All well documented in Protogenesis in a lot of ways. But yeah, there is a big one coming, but the chosen will be removed so that they won't have to suffer through it. A lot of people are seriously confused about who the chosen ones are.

    1. Indeed. They assume MILLIONS of people who read the Bible and say prayers qualify. The commands to LOVE and SIN NO MORE are ignored. All you need to do is have the right opinion and live your life as if playing hopscotch.

  2. Fascinating that the elements of creation are used as the elements of destruction. The fact that the duration of each apocalypse increases seems like God is increasing the suffering to up the ante so that humanity will finally get it, he certainly has some bruised and bloody knuckles.

    1. Indeed. The destruction is less intense each time... and that makes it WORSE each time. Spiritually: lukewarm is always worse than hot or cold. When God gives the world a dose of lukewarm, he isn't being nice.
