Saturday, October 6, 2018

Meaningful Existence

Everyone needs a sense of purpose. We languish without it. There must be a point to it all… or there is no point. The instant gratifications become restless compulsions very quickly.

The appeal of mortality is the hope that death shall end the yearning. Murdering others is often with the idea of dying vicariously. It is the false sense of mastery over life by ending it at a whim.

The apathetic resign themselves to futility. They believe in nothing, no matter what they believe. They act accordingly… unless made to act. As nothing inside and out, they are truly nonentities.

Apathy is the common evil. As sheer nothing, it is the worst of all evil. Unlike the sinister, who strive with a sense of purpose, the apathetic are lazy and indifferent.

An evil man can be a good man in the grand scheme of things. Driven by a sense of purpose, he makes a difference. He puts the useless to use. He challenges the righteous to act accordingly. The wood, hay and stubble are burned away and only the gold, silver and precious stones remain.

Life is meaningful, for better or worse. Contrary to the satanic propaganda, humanity is not a coincidence. Our need for purpose is innate. The need is from our inception. We are meant to live meaningful lives.

What is the meaning of life? Knowledge? Power? Perfection?

Where is the meaning if the meaning is knowledge, power or perfection? These things are external standards with external things in mind. Things must be personal to be meaningful. They cannot be dear to anyone otherwise.

An individual is shaped by its nature and experiences. It interacts with other individuals accordingly and is further shaped by the interactions. The individual is a nonentity, however, lest something comes of it entirely its own.

The sinister and righteous alike strive with a sense of purpose. The sinister do evil hoping good shall come of it. The righteous do good hoping good shall come of it. The meaning of life proves consistent, no matter the interpretations thereof.

What is the meaning of life? You live. Make the most of it, for better or worse. All else follows.


  1. People not only need a purpose, they need to act on that purpose. People who abstain from doing anything at all because of laziness is scum. THey literally get in the way of others.

    1. They are corpses before their time: TRIP HAZARDS!

  2. True meaning can only be found in what an individual creates, a life that bears no fruit is meaningless. Knowledge and power are a transfer never a creation, Human Beings are meant to become sources of creation not vessels of the outside. Our path must be one we choose of our own accord, otherwise the purpose is that of another.

    1. Perfectly stated! Yes, knowledge and power TAKE from what is created. They do not actually contribute. Rather juggle what is created, we should be using those hands to create.
