Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Few Who Are Everything

There are billions of people in the world. If we eliminated every liar, cheat and thief, how many would remain? Would there still be billions? Would the number be reduced to hundreds or tens of millions? Only millions, perhaps? Maybe hundreds or tens of thousands?

Let us try again but by another standard. If only the irresponsible are eliminated, how many of the billions of people would remain?

Let us try yet again and again by a different standard. Everyone has aptitudes. What if everyone is expected to take personal initiative to realize their individual potential? The effort may be for better or worse. The actions may be good or evil. Oh, what very few ever meet this standard.

We did not “evolve” into being. Potential is never realized by indifference. The very idea of mindless transcendence (“evolution”) is a lazy one resigned to futility.

People are expendable. Human sacrifice is the way of the world in all things. Wanton frolic breaks hearts and spawns bastards. Infanticide makes things easier. Greed demands all and gives nothing. Demonstrations of empowerment are cruelty, always. The wicked blame others and demand “justice” accordingly.

People hate people for being people. The liars, cheats and thieves hate everyone for being liars, cheats and thieves. The innocent are envied for their purity. The righteous are feared for their fearless indignation.

The billions are doomed. They shall be flushed like the crap they are… but not until they have served their purpose. The Enemy needs cannon-fodder and the Lord gives him plenty. The struggle of good against evil purifies good by drawing a line in the sand from the beginning. All must be demonstrated, for better or worse, or it has no place in reality.

From the very beginning all was for the very few. The standard was and is simple and direct: DO YOUR BEST! Nothing more was ever or shall ever be required of anyone. It was and is a standard for everyone on an individual basis. Mistakes along the way never were and never are a problem. Make the effort and see it to the end, for better or worse, and all shall be for the better.


  1. People just don't know what being human is all about anymore. We are not machines, but there are entities who want to reduce us to machines. And we hate for it. We don't even know why we hate. We are just born, live, and die on a grand conveyor belt powered by a demonic agenda.

    I will give you a prediction though. There is an awakening going on right now. People are beginning to see the confines of the cage and are realizing the door was never locked.

    1. Yes. Humanity is rising in what shall prove the greatest era of all time. I do believe most of the best people live RIGHT NOW or shall soon be born.

  2. Very few take personal initiative, some claim to be Christians but do not have the eyes to see that the life of Jesus was a demonstration of The Way. If we follow the path of Christ we will realise the Truth that it is the individual that decides their own fate. If we do our best all else follows.

    1. All else shall follow, indeed! Chris, I think most of the Twenty-four Elders live in this very era. Things are about to get VERY interesting. SPOILER ALERT: the good guys do actually win.
