Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Connotations are everything. Situations are meaningless otherwise.

People die whether killed or not. They have sex whether it is rape or love. The spiritual context is the only true distinction between good and evil.

What is dark but the absence of light? What is death but the cessation of life? What is evil but a lack of good? All things are indeed clean of themselves. Pure evil would indeed be pure for it would be simply nothing.

Death and destruction of themselves are neither good nor evil. There is no right or wrong, only cause and effect. A good result justifies its cause whereas an evil result proves otherwise.

Humanity is soon to be an endangered species. A moment of peace shall be the calm before a storm. Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons shall poison the world. Famine shall claim the most victims. World War 3 shall prove an inglorious travesty.

The wicked, for all their cunning, are hopelessly stupid. They think to steal the Tree of Life by cutting it down. Never again would it bear its fruit.

God in his wisdom shall deny the wicked eternal life. That they may have only themselves to blame he gave them a great sword with which to kill themselves. Mindless brutes relish the power of mass-destruction. They were weakened, not strengthened by such power for every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Their means to destroy shall be the means of their destruction.

They say the development of nuclear weapons was inevitable. I assure you: such weapons were no more “inevitable” than teleportation or time travel. Such weapons were meant to be developed.

World War 3 shall be the end of the world as it is but not the end of the world. It shall be the death of most of us but not of the best of us. The world shall be cleansed by fire.


  1. The writing is on the wall, I really feel like this has happened before but each time the cycle is cut shorter. Humanity is on it's third strike , but those who are destined for better will not burn in the fire.

    1. Jesus did describe the damnation of the wicked as trash being burned. His metaphor was terribly literal.

  2. In the Bible, God destroyed people on a regular basis. He only promised that he wouldn't do it again with a worldwide flood. Do not think you are invulnerable from his wrath simply because Biblical times have ended. When the end times are upon us, he will not be nice to the great masses of people who have made nothing of themselves on the spiritual level.

    1. Totally! The spiritual standard of ALL or NONE means you make the climb ALL the way or you don't make it. It is a zero-sum game of life or death.
