Saturday, February 27, 2016

Agents of the Eye and Ear

I wrote a realistic fantasy adventure about elves. I call them "fairies" as I do all the fairy folk in their fairyland. There is no airy fairy, mind you. The magic does not sparkle, zap or blast. Wizards are skillful in wizardry but are no match for warriors in a fight. There is no "ultimate power" to be had. The world does not hang in the balance easily. Heroes are uncommon and villains have responsibilities.

I was inspired by modern fantasy and the legends of old alike. Worlds of swords and magic are thrilling and fantastic to say the least.

I write fairy tales. Like Robert E. Howard (Conan) and J.R.R. Tolkien (the Lord of the Rings) mine are gritty. The swords do draw blood and the magic does require effort. The fiction has a basis in reality. Homages to the history and legends of old are throughout.

Conan is wonderful because his Hyborean Age is a believable world of survival-of-the-fittest with undercurrents of lurking horror. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are wonderful because their Middle-earth is a believable world of danger and hope caught in the maelstrom of unseen forces. Howard and Tolkien set the highest standard for the fantasy genre. I was mindful of what their works have in common.

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