Monday, October 20, 2014

Artistic Intensity

Rape and slaughter are horrors of reality. They are not to be celebrated. They are intense, however. Such unsettling intensity is horrific in life but can be made sensual and exciting in art and fiction. A sound mind can enjoy the horrors of a horror story without wishing anyone harm. One can find fictional rape sexy and fictional slaughter exciting without entertaining depravity.

Reality is cause and effect. Art and fiction are unreal. Our imaginations are the fanciful articulation of otherwise mindless feelings. Our fancies give shape to these otherwise shapeless sensations.

Reality is generally lackluster and preferably uneventful. The extremes in reality are typically horrible. Art is not art if it is lackluster. Fiction is boring if uneventful. Extremes and horrors in art and fiction can be fun. Rape and slaughter are atrocities in reality. In art and fiction, if done artfully, they can be gritty, sensual and exciting.

Art and fiction are not reality. They do not bear the burden of consequences. They are seldom literal. The best of art and the best of fiction are the unabashed, uninhibited, lovingly thoughtful manifestations of passion shaped by imagination. The most sensual and exciting are the most gritty and intense. Enjoy.

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