Thursday, December 12, 2013

What My Art and Literature Are Made Of

Imagination is that wonderful ability to consider possibilities and to fashion impossibilities. It empowers us to give names, form and context to the silent, invisible, chaotic forces that move us. It allows us to channel the swirling within us into momentum in whatever direction we choose.

Sex and violence. Freedom and justice. Cause and effect. I know what my art and fiction are made of: SEX: comely females..., VIOLENCE: being raped and slaughtered..., FREEDOM: by people who who shall not be exploited. JUSTICE: the females being raped and slaughtered are minions of an ambitious evil. CAUSE: evil is thieving and murderous. In the grand scheme of things, its underlings are typically normal people who do the stealing and killing for them. EFFECT: the evil is thwarted and the groveling, callous masses are shamed.

I am not single-minded. My sincerity has broadened my perspective, not limited it. Not everything I write or draw involves rape or slaughter. My artistic endeavors, however, are always made of sex and violence inspired by freedom and justice and mindful of cause and effect.


  1. Your philosophy is strange to me but your artistry is not. Your writing, although filled with violence, still seems to allow the good guys to win, and the bad guys are irredeemably evil. One doesn't have to guess.

    1. Thank you. Heroes in my work are rare but they are beyond every other character. They triumph whether they win or lose because the quality that makes them heroic is beyond the sum of their parts. Most of my villains are the innocuous underlings who are sacrificed for the grandiose agendas of self-important masters. History has shown us that most suffering is the little people being expended for the ambitions of the haughty.
